Engineering professional with expertise in autonomous systems development, covering motion planning, localization & mapping, computer vision, and machine learning. Skilled in various programming languages, cloud technologies, and simulation software, with significant contributions in robotics and autonomous system development.
Database Systems:
Version Control:
Cloud Platforms:
Tools & Libraries:
Programming Languages:
Web Technologies:
Mobile Technologies:
Simulation Software:
Testing Frameworks:
Human Detection and Tracker using YOLOv4 and Kernelized Correlation Filter:
Executed human detection algorithm using Yolov4 and non-maximum suppression. Employed OpenCV’s KCF Multi tracker for tracking in C++
Multi-Robot decision-making, navigation & collision avoidance in Warehouses:
Explored decentralized coordination with 100 TurtleBot3 robots while avoiding collisions using ORCA as local and A* with RRT as global planners employing ROS, Stage, C++, and Python.
Connect Four Using Reinforcement Learning:
Programmed a Connect 4 game to have the model train through self-play and reinforcement learning, with performance improvements recorded as a function of no of games using Python
Reinforced Finger Actuation with Haptic Feedback for Piano Lessons:
Prototyped a wearable device with soft finger-reinforcing actuators and haptic feedback as a 5ms vibration mechanism in assisting individuals to play the piano using Arduino
Active Target Tracking with Self-Triggered Communications in Multi-Robot Teams:
Minimized communication between a team of robots in a decentralized target tracking system using a self-triggered communication strategy and Kalman Filter using Python
Implementation of CNN & SVM with PCA/LDA Reduction on FashionMNIST:
Leveraged SVM with linear, polynomial, and RBF kernels and built a CNN architecture with 6 epochs; accuracy by SVM was76%; CNN was 91% using PyTorch & Python
Bayesian and KNN Classifier with PCA/LDA Reduction on FashionMNIST:
Compared optimal Bayesian classifier with K Nearest Neighbors; the highest accuracy accomplished by Bayes was 82.11% and kNN was 86.15%
Lane Detection and Tracking in Self-Driving Cars:
Attained a simple Lane Detection to mimic the Lane Departure Warning System using Hough lines & histogram of Lane pixels in Python3
Lucas-Kanade Template Tracker:
Devised a template tracker to track a car, human, & box on a table using affine transform & warping using OpenCV, Python3
Traffic Sign Detection and Classification:
Executed using MSER and HSV for detection and a multi-class SVM for classification, trained using HOGs of images in Python3