Extensive experience working globally in diverse political and cultural countries. Committed and loyal with our conservation partners. Clear and ambitious visions for conservation possibilities and patience and persistence to see them through to realty. Proven record of accomplish ing big and small things,. for example Archie NWR, the Marine Turtle Conservation Act Fund and the Tortoise and Freshwater turtle program.
In this capacity I coordinate and oversee an International Marine Turtle Program that includes about 50 projects in 30 countries annually with a budget of approximately 2.5 M. I form and facilitate a panel review of proposals to select the highest priority and impactful projects, conduct site visits to provide oversight and technical and scientific support ,and coordination with governments. I also represent the Service as the U.S. focal point to the Inter-American Sea Turtle Convention and the Indian Ocean SE Asia MOR for Sea Turtle Conservation.
Served as a biologist on the planning and support team for the Division of Realty. Responsibilities included developing planning documents for new proposed NWRs and preparation of Comprehensive Conservation Plans for NWR. Also responsible for NEPA planning and compliance. Development and planning of projects required considerable independent involvement with local citizens, university students, county officials, industry and agricultural interests and conservation organizations.
Served on Land Acquisition Branch, Division of Realty. prepared NEPA documents, made field site visits to assess potential inclusions within the refuge, and represented the FWS at public meetings for the proposed Conte NWR, a unique refuge designed to protect the biodiversity of the 7,000,000 Connecticut River watershed. Conducted a 4 year field research project at a Massachusetts focus site to determine the habitat boundaries needed to protected and endangered timber rattlesnake. During this time served on a 4.5 month detail (March - Aug. 1996) at NMFW HQ as their National Sea Turtle Coordinator while they filled this vacancy. Duties included reviewing ESA biological opinions, assisisting with implementation of Turtle Excluder (TED Regulations and attending TED public hearings in Texas. Also prepared contract and grant justifications for funding of international sea turtle projects including development of a 200 k initiative for the East Pacific leatherback in Mexico and Costa Rica.
Provided Service leadership and coordination for sea turtle conservation in the southeastern U.S. included nesting projects on NWRs, National Parks, Military bases and with state agencies. Conducted ESA Sect 7 consultations on beach nourishment projects impacting on sea turtles. During this time I initiated a proposal to establish the Archie Carr NWR in Florida on the highest density and most important loggerhead nesting beaches in the U.S. and globally. I worked with the Mellon Foundation,
State of Florida and Brevard County that resulted in the successful establishment of the NWR protect about 12 miles of a 20 mile stretch of beach in Brevard and Indian River Co. costing over 120 M shared by the feds, state, county and mostly the Mellon Foundation.
Provided leadership and coordination for the manatee conservation program in the southeastern U.S with primarily with the State of Florida but also with Puerto Rico and other federal agencies. Conducted ESA Section 7 consultations involving permitting of boat ramps, marinas, boat docks, dredging projects and beach nourishment projects. Identified manatee research needs and coordinated with the implementation of high priority research with the FWS Sirenia Research Unit. Initiated a 3000 acre expansion of the Chassahowitzka NWR to protect key wetland and shoreline habitat for the Crystal River manatee herd. Co-authored the Antillean Manatee Recovery Plan.
Worked in the Recovery Branch of the Office of Endangered Species (OES). Conducted ESA Section 7 consultations on a variety of activities that included pesticide registration, oil and gas developments, habitat management and scientific research. Reviewed endangered species recovery plans for HQ approval. Participated in annual Regional program evaluations. Served as the OES land acquisition specialist serving on the Land Acquisition Committee that made recommendations to the Director. Served as the Service's representative on the Interagency Animal Research Committee (NIH).
Served as primary assistant responsible for the coordination, execution and supervision of daily refuge field operations which included waterfowl surveys, prescribed burning of marshes, water management, public use programs including a refuge waterfowl hunting program , law enforcement, and oversight of on refuge oil and gas developments and exploration.
Major duties involved preparation of refuge hunting plan, environmental assessment and Section 7 consultation, waterfowl and alligator surveys., and monthly activity reports. Conducted law enforcement patrols for on refuge hunting.
Analyzed environmental impacts of water development projects on wildlife an wildlife habitat for licensing of hydroelectric dams throughout the U.S. Propose measures to mitigate impacts and prepared NEPA documents. Conducted field site visits to specific projects in preparation of EIS written assignments.
Set up a field camp on the uninhabited Forrester Island NWR 40 miles offshore in southeast Alaska with one other biologist for the purpose of conducting sea bird censuses and research. Censused 11 species of nesting seabirds to obtain baseline population data, collected data on the breeding chronology, productivity, chick growth and food habits of six sea bird species. Banded about 1000 seabirds.
Trained for two years as a member of a long range Force Reconnaissance 4 man team included training as radio operator, paratrooper, and SCUBA diver. Served one year in Vietnam as radio relay operator and member of long range reconnaissance team and platoon Sergeant. Honorable Discharge with Navy Commendation Medal for meritorious service in Vn.
Publishing journal articles