Work History

Ada Holmes-Hidalgo



I am a Regents and Chancellors Scholar at UC Berkeley, which means that I am in the top 2% of my class. I am majoring in Sociology and Public Policy. I pride myself on my strong work ethic and my passion for creating social change.

Throughout high school I acquired work experience in the nonprofit sector as an ambassador to the Pad Project. I was also a paid intern at a non-profit called Bay Area Community Resources. I started my own nonprofit I titled Education for Equity. I have furthered my passion for advocacy work during my Freshmen year by becoming a Associate of the Menstrual Equity Council within the Associated Students of the University of California. I have also taken a role in the Students for Sexual and Reproductive Freedom. My future hopes are to work for an advocacy agency or law firm.


years of professional experience

Work History

Community Outreach Committee Member

Project Reproductive Health Justice
Berkeley, CA
10.2024 - Current

Reach out to relevant organizations on and off campus. Coordinate dates for guest speakers and keep track of their availabilities. Work with exec and other members of the committee to connect with groups at Berkeley, in the Bay Area, etc. Helped lead initiative around supplying students with free sexual health products.

DEIA Delegate

Sigma Kappa Sorority
Berkeley, CA
10.2024 - Current

Help foster safe space for marginalized members. Create educational presentations and flyers on DEIA related issues. Create cultural events in the house.

Associate Member of the Menstrual Equity Council

Associated Students of UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
08.2024 - Current

I focus primarily on the issues relating to menstrual equity on campus. Right now I am currently working on trying to get free menstrual products in all bathrooms in residence halls on campus. I am also working on collaborating with TEDxBerkeley in order to create a educational event around period poverty.

Students for Sexual and Reproductive Freedom

UC Berkeley
Berkeley, CA
08.2024 - Current

Collaborate with Planned Parenthood in order to supply students on campus with free contraception and menstrual products. Help with tabling and educational campaigns on social media and on campus.


Education for Equity (Nonprofit)
Mill Valley, CA
03.2023 - Current

Led initiative to put books about menstrual equity issues in 10+ libraries. Created a brand/stickers for initiative. Put stickers with brand logo on books. Created an Instagram account to educate community on issues(440+ followers) Created engaging theme.


The Pad Project
Mill Valley, CA
08.2023 - 06.2024

Competitive application process. Ambassadors from 50+ countries. Created/organized event: screened documentary Period. End of Sentence. at local hall. Created posters and did outreach. Raised $730 for the Pad Project, 39 attendees. Held Q&A session after the film to stimulate conversations about the issue.

Paid and Unpaid Intern

Bay Area Community Resources
Larkspur, CA
02.2023 - 06.2024
  • Wrote letters to Sausalito City Council which helped pass ordinance. Advocated for local issue-smoking in multi-unit housing to press. Educated middle schoolers/youth advocacy groups about tobacco minimum price policies and how they harm local minority groups. Wrote letters to mayor/council members, requesting them to enact minimum price policies.
  • Created/led online event due to experiencing teammates struggling with addiction due to stress. 7 expert speakers including professors&PhD students from leading research schools in the field. 45 attendees. Created booklets w/ ways for coaches to respond to players dealing with addiction for attendees to distribute.
  • Led educational poster campaign about how LGBTQIA+ people are specifically at risk for substance abuse due to harassment and issues with mental health. I put the posters in local LGBTQIA+ shelters/centers, my school's wellness center, and in my Peer Resource classroom.

Founder and President

The Menstrual Equity Club
Mill Valley, CA
08.2022 - 06.2024

33 members. Created initiative: free tampons in school bathrooms. Received grants-used money to refill 2x each month. Lobbied for permanent dispensers-succeeded. Raised $663 to supply incarcerated women with months worth of products. Organized product drives for the unhoused. Mentor young girls wanting to start organizations.


Bachelor of Arts - Sociology, Public Policy & Human Rights

University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA


Strong communication

Ability to create engaging social media posts and presentations

Time management and organization

Attention to detail and accuracy


Ability to motivate others

  • Analytical skills


Community Outreach Committee Member

Project Reproductive Health Justice
10.2024 - Current

DEIA Delegate

Sigma Kappa Sorority
10.2024 - Current

Associate Member of the Menstrual Equity Council

Associated Students of UC Berkeley
08.2024 - Current

Students for Sexual and Reproductive Freedom

UC Berkeley
08.2024 - Current


The Pad Project
08.2023 - 06.2024


Education for Equity (Nonprofit)
03.2023 - Current

Paid and Unpaid Intern

Bay Area Community Resources
02.2023 - 06.2024

Founder and President

The Menstrual Equity Club
08.2022 - 06.2024

Bachelor of Arts - Sociology, Public Policy & Human Rights

University of California, Berkeley
Ada Holmes-Hidalgo