Work History
Hobbies and Interests

Adler Purvis



Motivated to continue drama club productions with increased responsibility. Proven ability to memorize lines and deliver them in an appropriate and timely manner when called for in the script.


year of professional experience

Work History

Annie - Morganthou (Cabinet), NYC, Hooverville

Sand Creek Middle School
02.2024 - Current

Cast in multiple rolls that require costume and scene changes. Currently attending scheduled rehearsals and learning lines, songs, dance steps, and blocking. Work as part of several smaller teams or character groups.

Shrek Jr - Mad Hatter

Debuts Theater Company
11.2023 - 02.2024

Adapted to a new theater location, director, music producer, and performing cast. This was my first production without constant 1:1 adult monitoring. Performed required lines, songs, and choreography. Passionate about learning and committed to continual improvement. Demonstrated creativity and resourcefulness through development of innovative solutions

Willy Wonka Jr. - Red Oompa Loompa

Sand Creek Middle School
10.2023 - 12.2023

Worked as part of a team to ensure proper stage and theater placement of red Oompa Loompas. Served as line leader and often called upon to guide other cast. Performed multiple songs and dance routines while maintaining focus on the larger production.

Beauty and the Beast - Egg Seller

Sand Creek Middle School
05.2023 - 07.2023

Worked with other South Colonie students ages 10-18 on a large production. Enthusiastic about performing required songs, reciting lines, and use of props. Encouraged by other students and learned different methods for coping with stress in the theater.

Lion King Jr. - Hyena

Sand Creek Middle School
02.2023 - 04.2023

Memorized lines, songs, and choreography for the production. Attended all scheduled meetings, rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and performances. Creative approach to portraying character.

Dear Edwina Jr. - Cheerleader, Party Guest, Plus

Sand Creek Middle School
10.2022 - 12.2022

First Drama Club performance. Memorized lines, songs, and choreography for the production. Attended all scheduled rehearsals, dress rehearsals, and performances. Responsible for multiple costume and character changes. Worked as part of a team to ensure smoot transition between scenes.


No Degree - Middle School

Sand Creek Middle School
Colonie, NY

No Degree - Elementary School

Veeder/Saddlewood Elementary School
Colonie, NY


    • Teamwork and Collaboration
    • Flexible and Adaptable
      • Time Management
      • Multitasking Abilities

Hobbies and Interests

1. Drawing and creating animation

2. Working towards development of future video games

3. Reciting stories

4. Swimming

5. Creatively 'mashing' multiple stories into a new single story.


Annie - Morganthou (Cabinet), NYC, Hooverville

Sand Creek Middle School
02.2024 - Current

Shrek Jr - Mad Hatter

Debuts Theater Company
11.2023 - 02.2024

Willy Wonka Jr. - Red Oompa Loompa

Sand Creek Middle School
10.2023 - 12.2023

Beauty and the Beast - Egg Seller

Sand Creek Middle School
05.2023 - 07.2023

Lion King Jr. - Hyena

Sand Creek Middle School
02.2023 - 04.2023

Dear Edwina Jr. - Cheerleader, Party Guest, Plus

Sand Creek Middle School
10.2022 - 12.2022

No Degree - Middle School

Sand Creek Middle School

No Degree - Elementary School

Veeder/Saddlewood Elementary School
Adler Purvis