Work History


Mechanical Design Engineer
San Jose,CA


Innovative Mechanical Engineer offering passion for leading product design projects. Excellent communicator with ability to explain complex design ideas and concepts effectively. Experienced in all aspects of hardware and software design, theories of operation, system integration, installation and commissioning. Quick-learning and resourceful with proficiency in SolidWorks.


years of post-secondary education
year of professional experience

Work History

Mechanical Design Engineer

DSS Automation Pvt. Ltd
Vadodara, India
08.2018 - 04.2019
  • Sketched and designed Overhead garage door mechanism with parallel gear configuration and standard adjustable friction clutch in SolidWorks.
  • Calculated factors such as tolerance, dimensions, and thermal and structural analysis.
  • Built overhead garage door for industrial purpose with an operator speed of 8-9 inches per second and with a maximum door height of 22 ft.
  • The mechanism was created using a high starter torque ½ HP motor, gears, pulleys, drums, brackets and hinges, tracks and roller, cables.
  • Used customer feedback and data to upgrade the mechanism as per the requirement.
  • Collaborated during the building and installation process on production line, ensuring that the machine is built properly and according to design specifications.
  • Also worked on Vibratory feeder and Carton sealing and packaging system.

Automotive Technician

Mercedes-Benz Emerald Motors
Ahmedabad, India, India
12.2017 - 01.2018
  • Performed ergonomics to reduce the risk of driver fatigue and the development of musculoskeletal disorders.
  • Successfully Used On-Board Diagnostic (OBD) to identify and resolve problems.
  • Used boring and honing on 4 cylinder 2.0L engine of Mercedes Benz C-Class.
  • Utilized CAD drawings for appropriate dye selection for manufacturing of Engine Block.


Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering

San Jose State University
San Jose, CA
08.2019 - 05.2021

Bachelor of Technology - Mechanical Engineering

Indus University
08.2015 - 05.2019


  • Design and Characterization of a Suspension System for a small scale hyperloop pod: The objective is to design and characterize a small-scale suspension system for Magnetically levitated Hyperloop system to prevent shocks from being transmitted to capsule parts, thereby providing suitable motion of pod in heave and cushioning effect to occupants. Conducted Literature review and worked on SolidWorks to design Hyperloop Pod parts and assemblies. Electro Dynamic Suspension system was selected with several design changes.
    As a result, developed a full working prototype of the small scale hyperloop pod using 3 BL-Stepper motor HiMAX HC6310-0400 engines with Electronic Speed Control programmed using python that gave a maximum lift of 5mm with reasonable vibrations which was further controlled by a lateral stability part.
  • Design and Development of Upper Arm Exoskeleton for Strength and Endurance: The Exoskeleton is a robotic arm that assists muscle movement. Exoskeleton benefits patients for rehabilitation who have been suffering from injury or strokes (Blood supply blockage). Developed a robotic exoskeleton using 3 PMDC planetary gear motors providing 3 DOF to assist those physically weak people to regain their power or give augmentation power to normal people. An in-depth literature was conducted to understand the notion of exoskeletons. Paper based design was followed by analytical design and later on CAD models were developed in SolidWorks software
  • Washing Machine Redesign to Improve Capacity:
    This project is about redesigning the washing machine to increase the capacity of the washer drum within standard washing machine dimensions and incorporating washing detergent storage inside the machine. Developed a tub with an increase of about .44 cubic feet in volume. Temperature, Static Structural and Dynamic Analysis was done using SOLIDWORKS on the redesigned tub. The final holding capacity was resulted in 81 Liters.
  • Designing of Lower Control Arm for cars: This project objective was to analyze and optimize a Lower Control Arm for Off-roading buggy using ANSYS.
    Designed and performed Static Stress analysis using ANSYS to determine internal stresses due to car loading. Optimized the model by reducing the inner and outer diameter of lower control arm to 60.5630 mm and 43.5210 mm, respectively.
  • Statistical Process Control and Design of Experiments Project within ME283-Manufacturing Process Control
    Did SPC for drilled hole diameters and concluded that hand drilled diameters are too big and inconsistent.
    DoE of measuring torque drilling screw depth


    ANSYS Workbench



Master of Science - Mechanical Engineering

San Jose State University
08.2019 - 05.2021

Mechanical Design Engineer

DSS Automation Pvt. Ltd
08.2018 - 04.2019

Automotive Technician

Mercedes-Benz Emerald Motors
12.2017 - 01.2018

Bachelor of Technology - Mechanical Engineering

Indus University
08.2015 - 05.2019
AKSHAT PATELMechanical Design Engineer