Diligent to focus on mental health of athletes full time. Obtaining an area to help change an environment for the better by giving health ways to cope with the challenges that arise in personal lives. Being able to connect with athletes through personal experience due to playing at such a high level.
I worked the closing shifts mostly, with that came closing duties such as clean up and prep for the morning shift. As well as I would have to count the register at the end of the shift and set the cash to the right amount. As well as take an amount out for the deposit. During my shift take order and make either energy drinks or coffee and grab baked goods.
I would help in areas such as cleaning, running for pickups, answering calls, and tracking inventory.
I would great guest and sit them as well as answering the phone. Among that I would also help with bussing tables, dishes, serving drinks or food, then cash people out as well.