Work History
Research Assistantships

Amanda Oversen



Aspiring pediatric speech-language pathologist clinical fellow passionate about supporting children with unique communication and learning profiles, medically complex needs, and neurodiverse affirming approaches. Committed to employing evidence-based interventions, uplifting families and caregivers, as well as ensuring communication is accessible for all human beings.


years of professional experience

Work History

Graduate Student Clinician

Rush University Craniofacial Center
09.2024 - 12.2024

Company Overview: The Craniofacial Center at RUMC offers comprehensive and interdisciplinary care for people of all ages with craniofacial anomalies, most notably cleft lip and palate

  • Evaluated speech and swallowing systems of patients who have cleft lip & palate or have received surgical intervention
  • Assisted in preparing and performing nasometry for diagnostic measures of resonance
  • Educated and counseled families of children with communication and swallowing difficulties secondary to craniofacial anomaly
  • Participated in an interdisciplinary meeting with plastic surgery, ENT, psychologists, and dentists to discuss plans of care for patients and offered an SLP perspective

Graduate Student Clinician

Advocate Condell Rehabilitation Services
09.2024 - 12.2024

Company Overview: Advocate Condell outpatient SLP services evaluated and treated adults with acquired communication and swallowing disorders

  • Evaluated patients for cognitive-communication, voice, aphasia, and dysphagia disorders using standardized assessments like the R-BANS, BDAE, and Clinical Swallow Evaluations
  • Treated patients with aphasia, cognitive-communication disorders, voice disorders, and dysphagia post-stroke, TBI, or neurodegenerative diseases
  • Assisted in preparing, performing, and interpreting video fluoroscopic swallow studies (VFSS) under supervision
  • Trained in chart review and documentation using Epic Software

Graduate Student Clinician

RUMC Department of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
05.2024 - 08.2024

Overview: RUMC DBP evaluates and treats children with complex medical conditions such as ASD, ADHD, developmental delay, genetic disorders, etc.

  • Performed comprehensive speech and language diagnostic evaluations on children aged 2-14 years old
  • Analyzed, interpreted, and documented formal and informal assessment results to create diagnostic reports
  • Developed individualized recommendations and made appropriate referrals when needed
  • Provided parent education to help facilitate communication development at the home
  • Collaborated with neuropsychologists, developmental pediatricians, audiologists, and genetic counselors to formulate diagnoses

Graduate Student Clinician

Rush Neurobehavioral Center
05.2024 - 08.2024

Company Overview: RNBC is an outpatient clinic focusing on the evaluation and treatment of children aged 2-18 with communication disorders secondary to learning disabilities, ASD, and genetic disorders

  • Performed comprehensive speech and language diagnostic evaluations on children aged 2-14 years old
  • Analyzed, interpreted, and documented formal and informal assessment results to create diagnostic reports
  • Led intervention, under the supervision, with sessions targeting articulation, phonology, expressive language, receptive language, social communication, AAC, and literacy disorders
  • Collaborated with neuropsychologists, developmental pediatricians, audiologists, and genetic counselors to formulate diagnoses

Graduate Student Clinician

Rush University Medical Center Neurocritical Care Unit
01.2024 - 04.2024

Company Overview: The Neuro ICU at RUMC is a healing environment for those who have suffered from stroke, TBI, or have undergone neuro/spine surgery

  • Evaluated and treated patients diagnosed with aphasia, cognitive-communication disorders, and dysphagia following a stroke or TBI in an acute care setting
  • Assisted in preparing and performing video fluoroscopic swallow studies under supervision and recommended appropriate diets
  • Trained in chart review and documentation using Epic system software

U.S. Fulbright English Teaching Assistant

C.E.I.P Tinguaro
09.2022 - 06.2023

Company Overview: C.E.IP Tinguaro is a Pre-Kindergarden-6th grade public primary school with a dedicated bilingual studies program called AICLE

  • Develop instructional skills to best serve students learning English as a Second Language through coursework, academic literature, and observation of experienced TEFL instructors
  • Collaborate with lead teachers to produce comprehensive, age-appropriate, and engaging English language lessons for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade that adhere to the standards and objectives of AICLE
  • Deliver English language lessons that focus on core skills such as reading, writing, and speaking
  • Serve as a cultural ambassador for the United States by leading lessons and discussions on American culture and values in English


Master of Science - Speech - Language Pathology

Chicago, IL

Bachelor of Science - Speech & Hearing Science, Spanish

Urbana-Champaign, IL


  • Evidence-based practice
  • Patient advocacy
  • Clinical documentation
  • Augmentative communication proficiency
  • Therapeutic intervention
  • Community education


  • ILLINOIS LEND PROGRAM- Trainee Fellowship, Chicago, IL, IL LEND (Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental Disabilities) Clinical Trainee Fellow, 2024-2025
  • U.S. FULBRIGHT PROGRAM - English Teaching Assistantship, Gran Canaria, Spain, Fulbright Scholar, 2022-2023

Research Assistantships

  • DEPARTMENT OF PEDIATRICS - University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, Research Assistant, 10/01/24 - Present, Perspectives from Clinical Providers for Children with Home Mechanical Ventilation, Neurodevelopmental Disabilities, and Habilitative needs
  • DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNICATION SCIENCES & DISORDERS - Rush University, Chicago, IL, Research Assistant, 09/01/23 - 04/01/24, Efficacy of Collaborative Referencing Intervention in People with Chronic Aphasia


  • MBSiMP Training - 2024
  • LSVT Loud Training - 2024
  • Trauma-Informed Care Training - 2024


Native or Bilingual
American Sign Language
Limited Working


Graduate Student Clinician

Rush University Craniofacial Center
09.2024 - 12.2024

Graduate Student Clinician

Advocate Condell Rehabilitation Services
09.2024 - 12.2024

Graduate Student Clinician

RUMC Department of Developmental-Behavioral Pediatrics
05.2024 - 08.2024

Graduate Student Clinician

Rush Neurobehavioral Center
05.2024 - 08.2024

Graduate Student Clinician

Rush University Medical Center Neurocritical Care Unit
01.2024 - 04.2024

U.S. Fulbright English Teaching Assistant

C.E.I.P Tinguaro
09.2022 - 06.2023

Bachelor of Science - Speech & Hearing Science, Spanish

  • MBSiMP Training - 2024
  • LSVT Loud Training - 2024
  • Trauma-Informed Care Training - 2024

Master of Science - Speech - Language Pathology

Amanda Oversen