Work History
Additional Information
Work Availability
Hi, I’m

Anna Blancarte

School Principal and Teacher
Far and away the best prize that life offers is the chance to work hard at work worth doing.
Theodore Roosevelt
Anna Blancarte


Self-motivated school administrator and classroom teacher with an assertive and outcome-driven nature. Exercises competencies in the development, implementation, and execution of performance-enhancing programs. Administrator with expertise in curriculum planning and development. Outstanding skills in parent communication, conflict resolution, and staff management. Known for consistently supporting faculty and staff as an advocate leader.

Work History

Hickman Mills C-1, Missouri Public School District

Principal of Ervin Elementary School (PK-Grade 5)
07.2017 - 06.2023

Job overview


  • Cultivated equitable and inclusive school culture primarily through targeted professional development, tiered academic and behavioral wrap-around services, and integration of community resources within school.
  • Led implementation of co-teaching model as pilot school for district.
  • Supervised maintenance of all school records and reports to ensure confidentiality.
  • Led implementation of incentive based behavior system for scholars and teachers. (PBIS/BIST)
  • Significantly increased School Culture on AdvancED and Satchel Pulse Survey
  • Cultivated positive relationships between community , parents, scholars, staff and teachers.
  • Led, supported, monitored and evaluated impact of integrating CLOSE READING of texts in grades K-6, with specific attention given to CLOSE READING of SCIENCE TEXTS
  • Cultivated culture of mindfulness by teaching nine pillars of mindfulness and practicing them daily.
  • Maintained school focus on learning by introducing, teaching, and enforcing expectations related to academics, student discipline and class attendance.
  • Maintained high standards of student conduct and enforced discipline as necessary, according to due process rights of students following district's adopted Superintendent Referral handbook.
  • Defined and enforced student academic achievement standards in line with district goals and objectives.
  • Developed and coordinated after-school clubs and activities that were challenging and fun for scholars and teachers.
  • Studied overall assessment information collaboratively with Building Leadership Team, parents, and community to formulate Title I School Improvement Plan
  • Planned and supervised school's emergency/safety plan ( fire drills, tornado drills, and emergency preparedness program )
  • Served on district committee task-force to ensure full accreditation through AdvancEd.
  • Collaborated with district administrators to develop functional budgets within allocated funds. Earned "Exceptional Fiscal Management Awards" / Spring 2021-23.
  • Mentored newly hired educators and provided encouragement and feedback.
  • Established instructional practices driven through statistical performance data within Professional Learning Community platform.
  • Provided oral and/or written reports to superintendent on state of school three times per year - fall / winter / spring
  • Performed classroom evaluations to assess teacher strategies and effectiveness with timely feedback given to teachers which was key factor in retaining teachers.
  • Communicated weekly with parents to encourage active parental participation in our educational programs and events.
  • Kept current with changes and developments in education by attending professional meetings, reading journals and publications and discussing issues and trends with other colleagues outside of work day.
  • Developed culture of "accountable talk" throughout each classroom within school.


  • Retention of staff ( certified instructional staff of 68 ) increased to 87-90% consistently each year.
  • Six teachers selected as "model teachers" by curriculum consultant for work on implementing district's new curriculum successfully. Video taped lessons are posted to national website for Collaborative Classroom Curriculum as model lesson examples.
  • School Culture, measured by Satchel Pulse Survey, consistently scored 8.2 out of 10 points. Survey was administered once per month.
  • Received "Exceptional Fiscal Management Award" for demonstrated expenditures of all allocated district and federal funds.
  • Implementation of PBIS, BIST and Restorative Practices contributed to significant decrease in student suspensions, office referrals, and superintendent referrals.
  • AVID Trained and Certified Instructor who successfully implemented WICOR (Writing, Inquiry, Collaboration, Organization, and Reading) throughout Kindergarten - 6th grade.
  • Implemented "Flipped Learning" in grades 4-6 with teachers reporting higher student achievement and engagement and better attitudes towards learning and school.
  • Scholar Average Daily Attendance increased significantly.



Director of Advanced Academics & Pylons Gifted and
01.2011 - 06.2017

Job overview


  • Taught graduate level course, through UMKC, to teachers seeking gifted education certification.
  • Led collaborative research and development initiative of Advanced Academics Honors Program that encompassed PK- high school level courses to provide equitable access advanced courses to all scholars across district.
  • Continually monitored and updated Advanced Academics program in collaboration with general education and gifted education teaching team.
  • Spearheaded technology initiatives to support student learning and academic excellence.
  • Implemented strategies to increase student recruiting for advanced coursework, engagement in classrooms, increased graduation rate and retention of scholars in district.
  • Modeled lessons, specifically strategies that engaged scholars in higher level thinking through questions and collaborative work groups
  • Used critical thinking to break down problems, evaluate solutions and make decisions with principals and leadership teams at school level.


  • Significant increase to 62% of middle school scholars enrolled in one or more advanced courses.
  • Significant 12% increase in high school scholars passing AP courses and exams.
  • All elementary schools had gifted teacher assigned with purpose of coaching teachers to integrate critical and creative instructional strategies throughout curriculum.
  • Supported teacher coaches at several elementary and middle school teams to earn 1st - 3rd place awards at annual PrepKC Jr Math Relays.
  • Supported teacher coaches at several elementary and middle school teams to earn awards at annual Lego League stem competitions sponsored by PrepKC.


UMKC Regional Professional Development Center

Coordinator/General & Special Education Services
07.2010 - 01.2011

Job overview


  • Provide professional development support to school districts, in Jackson County, in special education / school improvement initiatives
  • Specific areas of expertise include: Response to Intervention (RTI); Co-Teaching Model; MAP and MAP - A (Missouri Assessment Program and Alternative Assessment Program); Missouri School Improvement Program (MSIP); and Missouri Integrated Model (MIM)
  • Led and managed teacher teams (general education with special education teacher) to develop Co-Teaching classrooms in effort to support all scholars academically and socially.
  • Coached teachers and principals through day-to-day work and complex problems.
  • Entered data, generated reports, and produced tracking documents.
  • Planned and implemented staff development at building and district level - specifically on Creative and Critical Thinking Strategies and Understanding Tiered Levels of Behavior with Building Level Strategies


  • Successfully led five elementary and seven middle schools to implement co-teaching model.
  • Recruited by several principals to provide professional development and follow-up work to teachers on integrating Critical and Creative Instructional Strategies in their classrooms.
  • Recruited by Superintendent of Kansas City Public Schools for position of Director of Advanced Academics Program after attending one of my professional development presentation at district Professional Development Day.
  • Collaborated with teachers to conduct behavioral assessments and intervention plans for over 100 students


Bloomsburg University

Assistant Professor
07.2009 - 06.2010

Job overview


  • Planned instruction and taught 4 undergraduate 3-credit classes for scholars obtaining teaching degrees. ( Teaching Math (two sections - one for elementary and one for middle school); Assessment and Learning; Integrating Arts throughout Curriculum)
  • Student population is approximately 60% African-American, 20% White, 15% Hispanic, and other 5%
  • Applied innovative teaching methods to encourage student learning objectives.
  • Built strong rapport with students through class discussions and academic advisement.
  • Mentored students and communicated internship and employment opportunities.
  • Encouraged class discussions by building discussions into lessons, actively soliciting input, asking open-ended questions, and using techniques to track student participation.
  • Contributed to campus activities to promote positive university image.
  • Provided students with constructive, encouraging, and corrective feedback.
  • Collaborated with colleagues on curriculum revision, evaluation of course syllabi, and lesson plans for Assessment and Learning curriculum.


  • Advised, mentored, and tutored three scholars, who were failing, to achieve passing standards.
  • Assisted school leadership team, in rural Bloomsburg, PA to achieve school improvement goals.
  • Recruited several adults from Bloomsburg to enroll in University for degree in teaching.


Louisburg School District
Louisburg, KS

06.2007 - 06.2009


07.1994 - 06.2007

Job overview


  • Trained teachers on effective teaching techniques, classroom management strategies, and behavior modification.
  • Cultivated positive relationships between community members, school students, and teachers.
  • Allocated school budgets and solicited additional funding from grant programs with well-written applications for grants to become Professional Development Schools, such as:
  • White Church Elementary was PBIS Professional Development School with 3 year grant in collaboration with University of Kansas as research project with Amy McCart. This research produced significant results to ascertain that positive interventions greatly reduce number of office referrals and student suspensions.
  • Grant Elementary was part of The Schoolwide Application Model 3-year research grant with University of Kansas in collaboration with Wayne Sailor ( integrating special education scholars in general education classrooms). Special Education Scholars' average reduction in time spent secluded to time included was significantly reduced. This grant was so successful, carried over to White Church.
  • Grant Elementary was Professional Development School as part of Reading First grant written in collaboration with University of Kansas. This was 3-year grant that had significant gains. Scholars reading scores increased by 22% after first year of grant and by 47% after second year.
  • T.A. Edison Elementary was Professional Development School for St. Mary's Academy teacher development program.
  • Formulated and implemented school safety and security policies.
  • Studied assessment information covering students, teachers, and school operations to formulate improvement plans.
  • Collaborated with administration staff to develop functional budgets within allocated funds.
  • Verified adherence to state, federal, and private funding source requirements across programs and outcomes.
  • Introduced modifications to reading and math curriculum and introduced new, effective instructional techniques.
  • Performed classroom evaluations to assess teacher strategies and effectiveness.
  • Observed teachers, documented activities, and implemented improvement plans to optimize classrooms.
  • Communicated and regularly practiced drills in association with school safety and emergency plan.
  • Monitored student behavior and enforced discipline policies.
  • Communicated with parents to encourage active parental participation in education.
  • Maintained school focus on learning by enforcing rules related to academics, student discipline, and class attendance.
  • Established positive, stimulating learning environment for students and exciting education-focused setting for teachers.
  • Established instructional practices driven through statistical performance data.


  • Wrote SPRINT grant ($2500.00) to pay for MAKING MEANING curriculum
  • Successfully applied for and implemented several grants in collaboration with University of Kansas for Positive Behavior Intervention Support (PBIS); The Schoolwide Application Model; The Reading First Grant. These collaborations were 3 - 5 year grants applied for in collaboration with Department Head of KU's Special Projects/Behavioral Supports for schools.
  • Awarded the CHALLENGE AWARD OF RECOGNITION by the Kansas State Board of Education for OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENT IN CLOSING THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP in 4th and 5th grade math based on the 2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007 Kansas State Assessments.
  • Awarded CHALLENGE AWARD OF RECOGNITION by Kansas State Board of Education for OUTSTANDING ACCOMPLISHMENT IN CLOSING THE ACHIEVEMENT GAP in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade reading based on 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 & 2008 Kansas State Assessments.
  • Awarded NCLB Blue Ribbon Award for outstanding student achievement
  • Awarded Best Principal in West Wyandotte County by patrons of Wyandotte County (See copy of Award Certificate)
  • Led a school in obtaining state accreditation and coming off of SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT status within first two years as principal. - T.A. Edison
  • "Applauded" several times for demonstrating effective role as leader to both staff and students. As quoted in Kansas City Kansas Public Schools STAFF NOTEBOOK (newsletter for all employees), "Ms Blancarte is Quick to give praise to staff and regularly asks for staff input during staff development meetings. One staff member who nominated her said, "I am blessed each day to come and learn how to be effective principal from Ms Blancarte". Applause given for dedication and selflessness."


Kansas City, Kansas USD #500

Classroom Teacher (taught Various Levels: K - 8)
08.1987 - 06.1994

Job overview


  • Created and presented clever lessons to engage scholars and focus on core subjects necessary for personal and academic growth.
  • Taught core subjects of math, science, technology, and history.
  • Met with parents to review Individualized Education Plans for at-risk scholars.
  • Prepared and administered grade-specific tests and examinations regulated by school district to monitor students' growth and to report progress to parents.
  • Administered various reading tests and determined scholar reading levels based on assessment findings.
  • Maintained knowledge of school curricula, standards and policies to correctly prepare scholars for higher grade levels.
  • Developed problem-solving and critical-thinking skills by presenting challenges to boost self-esteem and performance.
  • Pursued professional development during summer months to maintain certification and extend skills.
  • Coached scholars on physical and emotional safety as part of health curriculum.
  • Sourced supplies to fill gaps in scholar activities.
  • Built positive relationships with parents to involve families in educational process.
  • Helped scholars develop self-esteem and life skills by fostering healthy conflict-resolution, critical thinking, and communication.
  • Worked one-on-one with scholars to determine strengths, weaknesses, and learning patterns.
  • Developed and implemented discipline strategies to maintain classroom order.
  • Drove student learning by establishing clear classroom plans and group objectives, as well as actionable strategies to achieve each goal.
  • Adapted lessons to differentiate instruction and meet scholars' diverse learning needs and abilities.
  • Implemented classroom management improvements to enhance class morale and engagement.
  • Taught scholars subject-specific material, learning strategies, and social skills.
  • Taught lessons encompassing skill-building activities in speaking, writing, reading and listening.
  • Assessed scholar progress by administering tests and evaluating results.
  • Provided regular feedback to students on progress and assigned grades based on performance.
  • Kept classroom clean, organized, and safe for scholars and visitors.
  • Organized classroom supplies and decorated walls to create fun, nurturing settings, and meet learning needs.
  • Engaged in professional development to enhance instruction with English Language Learners.
  • Reported to principal all scholar data ( academic and behavioral ) along with strategies enforced to help all scholars meet growth targets.
  • Boosted individual perseverance and resilience by setting challenging goals and providing realistic support.


  • Collaborated with PLC to plan for, monitor, and implement strategies to ensure student academic and behavioral growth. The PLC's demonstrated exceptional growth of scholars in 9 out of 11 years.
  • Pursued several leadership positions: Student Council, Parent Engagement Committee Chair, After-school Programming Lead, Technology Integration Chair, Student Advisory Council to Principal Leader, Lunchroom Monitor, Safety and Emergency Plan Committee, and Chair of Professional Development Committee.
  • Presented with offer to be Assistant Principal and enroll to earn degree in school administration following several observations from district level administrators,


Milwaukee Public Schools

Elementary School Teacher
09.1983 - 06.1987

Job overview


  • Taught grades 3 and 5


  • Third grade class took 2nd place in district science challenge event ( two years)
  • Selected to be grade-level Lead Teacher for District after first year of teaching.


University of Missouri
Columbia, Missouri

Doctor of Education from Education Policy And Leadership

University Overview

  • District Scholarship Recipient to be one of a select number of district leaders to enter the Education Doctoral Program with the University of Missouri, Columbia.
  • Relevant Coursework: Conducted a study in collaboration, as a member of the Ed D cohort, on the impact of trauma on scholars and best practices to overcome trauma.
  • Dissertation: The Impact of Understanding Foundational Math Skills and Mathematical Achievement in High School and Beyond
  • 4.0 GPA

University of Kansas

Masters from Education Policy And Leadership

University Overview

  • Awarded Leader of Year for collaborative work with KU research team in implementing an incentive system to improve scholar behavior in schools. ( PBIS - Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports )
  • Thesis: The Impact of Trauma on Educational Achievement of Children in Underserved Populations
  • 3.8 GPA
  • magna cum laude graduate

University of Wisconsin
Oshkosh, WI

Bachelor of Science from Elementary Education (K-9) And Physical Ed (K-12)

University Overview

  • Phi Delta Kappa Member
  • Awarded All Around Scholar for voluntary work in community, participation in recreational leagues, participation in student council, voluntary work in admissions.
  • Elected to secretary position for student leadership council in 1982-83
  • Extracurricular Activities: Varsity Cheerleader for Basketball, Varsity member of Track Team, Volunteer Assistant Coach for Tennis Team


  • Codes of Conduct
  • Student Achievement
  • Grant Proposals
  • School Community Relations
  • Group Facilitation and Presentations
  • Relationship Building and Networking
  • Education Administration
  • Employee Performance Evaluations
  • Data-Driven Instruction
  • Safety and Security Procedures
  • Instructional Leadership
  • Budget Administration


    Supervised General Ed and Special Ed Student Teachers, 2007, 2009, University of Kansas, Assisted in the planning of the student teacher experience

  • Provided feedback to KU on what schools are looking for in a teacher
  • This information was provided to KU for consideration as the school of education restructured their teacher education program

  • Led White Church Elementary to improving test scores on state assessments to the level of Standard of Excellence, mostly due to an increase of instructional time, thus earning the Prestigious Blue Ribbon No Child Left Behind School

  • We were invited to Washington DC to accept the award with other Blue Ribbon award schools

  • Led a Professional Development School at Grant Elementary in The Schoolwide Application Model (SAM) as a research project of Wayne Sailor, KU

  • This program focuses on creating a unified system by integrating general education and special education students for the benefit of All Students
  • Supervised the project implementation at the school and provided data and feedback to KU research team

  • Led a Professional Development School as a Reading First School at Grant Elementary

  • Reading scores increased by 22% the first year of the grant and by 47% during the second year of the grant
  • Assisted in the writing of the Reading First Grant, through KU

  • Led TA Edison Elementary School, as a Professional Development School for St. Mary's University

  • Mary's teacher elementary and special education students,
  • Mary's College, Supervised student teachers from St
  • Mary's at Grant Elementary and White Church Elementary
  • Provided feedback to St. Mary's teacher education leaders on how the university could their teacher education program to prepare students to be successful teachers

  • Examples of Professional Development that shaped my journey of developing expertise as a building leader and teacher:

  • Annual Gifted Educator's Summer Conference at the National Center for Gifted Education focused on strategies to enrich and challenge gifted students and students exhibiting high-potential. 2010-2017
  • RESULTS NOW! …. morning with DrMichael Schmoker, Presentation: Closing the Achievement Gap in Education, DrMichael Schmoker, Fall 2006
  • The Haberman Star Teacher Selection Interview Training, Presenter: DrMartin Haberman for The Haberman Educational Foundation, Fall 2006
  • Positive Behavior Support Training - Summer Institute, Presenters: PBS team from Kansas University (Jaime Thomas, Howard Wills, and Amy McCart), Summers 2005/06
  • Coaching and Supervision that Impacts on Improved Instruction, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Summer 2005
  • Teaching Reading to Black Males, Presenter: DrAlfred Tatum, Department of Literacy Education, Northern Illinois University, Spring 2005
  • Mentoring Matters: How to Implement Learning-Focused Relationships, Presenters: Bruce Wellman and Laura Lipton, Spring 2005
  • Pathways to Understanding: Patterns and Practices in the Learning-Focused Class, Presenters: Bruce Wellman and Laura Lipton, Fall 2004
  • Reading Styles Training and Implementation (Marie Carbo's Program), Consultant from Marie Carbo's Reading Styles Institute, 2001/2002
  • First Things First for Lasting School Improvement, Presenter: Dr. James P. from the Institute for Research and Reform in Education, 2000-2005
  • Metro Partners, Instructor: Carol Phillips from Avila College, Kansas City, MO, 1998-2000
  • Assistant Principal's Academy, Instructor: Carol Phillips from Avila College, Kansas City, MO, 1995-1996, Building Administrator K-9


Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development (ASCD)

National Association for Gifted Children (NAGC)

National Association for Elementary School Principal

National Association of Special Education Teachers

Additional Information

  • "We are not a team because we work together, we are a team because we RESPECT, TRUST, AND CARE for each other." - Author Unknown

  • "You cannot empower students to be self-directed, responsible, critical-thinking people if they can't ask their own questions. At that point, you're teaching compliance rather than responsibility." - Author Unknown

  • "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together." - African Proverb

  • "MISBEHAVIOR is often MISUNDERSTOOD Behavior" - Author unknown
See my work availability
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Principal of Ervin Elementary School (PK-Grade 5)

Hickman Mills C-1, Missouri Public School District
07.2017 - 06.2023

Director of Advanced Academics & Pylons Gifted and

01.2011 - 06.2017

Coordinator/General & Special Education Services

UMKC Regional Professional Development Center
07.2010 - 01.2011

Assistant Professor

Bloomsburg University
07.2009 - 06.2010


Louisburg School District
06.2007 - 06.2009


07.1994 - 06.2007

Classroom Teacher (taught Various Levels: K - 8)

Kansas City, Kansas USD #500
08.1987 - 06.1994

Elementary School Teacher

Milwaukee Public Schools
09.1983 - 06.1987

University of Missouri

Doctor of Education from Education Policy And Leadership

University of Kansas

Masters from Education Policy And Leadership

University of Wisconsin

Bachelor of Science from Elementary Education (K-9) And Physical Ed (K-12)
Anna BlancarteSchool Principal and Teacher