Talented Manager with expert team leadership, planning and organizational skills built during successful career. Smoothly equip employees to independently handle daily functions and meet customer needs. Diligent trainer and mentor with exceptional management abilities and results-driven approach.
Places orders, paid employees, Bar back, bartending, serving, bussing, working with chef to make dinner specials, coming with drink special for theme nights, trained employees.
i was one of the garbage collector on the side of the truck and i was in charge of doing a route that consist of 500 pick ups a day
i was in charge of scheduling of the two of kitchen staff besides the head chef and i was also in charge of letting the prep cook know what he needed to be done, i did all the dates and time labling , i always schedule a deep clean for once in the begining of the week and once at the end
cleaning and resetting tables, bringing full buss bins down from top floor down to the kitchen.