Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
Norwalk City School District
Norwalk, Ohio
04.2000 - Current
- Prepare documents, reports, and presentations for superintendent, administrators, board members, staff, and community using advanced software proficiencies (Applicant Stack - designed all employment applications, Board Paq - create board agendas, Canva/Adobe Express - create content for website/social media/Peachjar, Publisher - District Quality Profile/Alumni newsletters, instructional handouts for staff, Excel/Google Sheets/Forms - multiple shared documents, completely designed the intranet (staff only) section of the website)
- Respond to emails, phone calls, and other correspondence to facilitate communication and enhance business processes
- Create and maintain personnel files; including employee evaluations, teacher and educational assistants licensure records and requirements, and all necessary paperwork of application process for new employees
- Developed and maintain automated notification system for expiring teacher licenses, pupil activity permits, educational aide permits, and background checks
- Developed and maintain district website and other communication channels, including social media and parent broadcast system
- On/Off boarding of all employees/created checklists and standard operating procedures for efficiency
- Process background checks (BCI/FBI)/payments, create requisitions, order supplies
- Work with administrators and outside groups to initiate new projects and assist in numerous processes with varying degrees of complexity (Reagan All-Sports Complex grand opening, alumni reunions)
- Familiar with Ohio Revised Code as it pertains to education
- Dedicated to excellence and every job being well done