Work History
Benjamin Paladino

Benjamin Paladino

Fire Captain


Seasoned Leader with a high productivity track record that has earned trust with his previous superiors. Possesses specialized skills in emergency response management, fire safety compliance, learning theory, curriculum development and management, training proficiency, team leadership, and personnel management. A standout communicator, relationship builder, and critical thinker who is decisive in high-pressure situations.


years of professional experience

Work History

Fire Captain

Antelope Valley Fire Protection District
Coleville, CA
05.2024 - Current
  • Provides leadership and guidance to assigned crew members during drills, exercises, and real-world operations.
  • Responds to emergency calls and manages the on-site operations of medical, hazardous materials, and rescue incidents.
  • Conducts search and rescue operations, quickly analyzes medical emergencies, and administers first aid to injured persons.
  • Provides clear and decisive leadership by rapidly assessing and responding to changing fireground conditions.
  • Supervises subordinate firefighters in the performance of their duties.
  • Develops strategies for emergency responses based on specific scenarios unique to each scene.
  • Inspects buildings to determine fire safety compliance.
  • Attends industry seminars related to advances in firefighting tactics, technology, or legislation impacting the profession.
  • Develops and implements training procedures for newly hired personnel.
  • Responds to fire and emergency alarms, and evaluates emergencies to direct company operations.
  • Ensures that firefighter safety protocols are followed on all emergency scenes.
  • Actively participates in interagency collaborations, such as mutual aid agreements, regarding response times and changes to response capabilities.


Mountain Warfare Fire Department
Bridgeport, CA
05.2017 - Current
  • Inspects vehicles for safety compliance according to NFPA standards.
  • Diagnoses mechanical problems with engines and transmissions through visual inspection and test drives.
  • Ensures that all necessary tools are available on board the apparatus and operable when responding to calls for service.
  • Routinely monitors fluid levels in engines, and checks tire pressures.
  • Keeps the fire station, equipment, and grounds in a clean and orderly condition.
  • Evaluates incident scenes for possible victims requiring medical attention, or medical transport.
  • Keeps up to date on all transport methods available, given current conditions and resource availability.
  • Participates in training drills and exercises to maintain proficiency in fire suppression tactics, and industry best practices.
  • Cleans, services, and maintains fire apparatus in a condition of readiness, and performs general maintenance of fire department property, grounds, and equipment.
  • Conducts fire drills at schools and businesses.
  • Administers emergency treatment and medical care to people injured in accidents and fires.
  • Laid hose lines and operated nozzles, pumps, hydrants and fire extinguishers.
  • Informed and educated local community members about fire prevention and safety.
  • Communicated with other firefighters and emergency personnel to relay observations, equipment needs, and other relevant information.

Senior Enlisted Leader

United States Navy
Reno, NV
05.2017 - 04.2022
  • NOSC Reno Navy Operational Support Unit Senior Enlisted Leader (SEL).
  • Led 60 subordinate sailors in the daily execution of their duties at the Navy Operational Support Center, Reno, NV.
  • Served as a conduit of information flow up and down the chain of command.
  • Carried the Commanding Officer's intent to sailors in support of the Command's vision and mission objectives.
  • Led the Chief's Mess within the unit and supported both personal and professional development through career development boards, both inside and outside the Mess.
  • Organized evaluation ranking boards for the Chiefs' Mess and the Wardroom, and wrote subordinate performance evaluations.
  • Coordinated with other department heads to solve complex problems that hindered mission success.
  • Held and organized department head meetings.
  • Developed and maintained the plan of the day in accordance with changes to the commanding officer's objectives.
  • Developed and maintained the department training plan and training schedule.
  • Worked closely with the Wardroom on personnel and discipline issues.
  • Developed sailors through mentorship and positive reinforcement of desirable performance characteristics.
  • I wrote performance awards.
  • I taught leadership classes to NCOs as a certified Master Training Specialist (MTS).
  • Developed and guided junior officers.
  • Provided daily briefs to department heads and the CO regarding unit performance, training metrics, medical readiness, unit challenges, and personnel issues.
  • Provided recommendations to the Commanding Officer on action items and pending issues surrounding mission objectives and operational readiness.
  • Coordinated with my sailors in theater leadership to follow up on development, performance, support, and demobilization.


Fort Wainwright Fire Department
Fairbanks, AK
02.2015 - 05.2017
  • Evaluated incident scenes for possible victims requiring medical attention or evacuation assistance.
  • Responded to fire and safety-related emergency calls in local area.
  • Laid hose lines and operated nozzles, pumps, hydrants and fire extinguishers.
  • Participated in training drills and exercises to maintain proficiency in fire suppression tactics.
  • Educated public on ways to prevent fires and fire damage.
  • Cleaned, serviced and maintained fire apparatus in condition of readiness and performed general maintenance of fire department property.
  • Conducted regular safety inspections of buildings to identify any potential hazards.
  • Transported injured persons safely from accident sites to hospitals for treatment.


Certificate of Technical Studies - EMS Academy

Allan Hancock College
Santa Maria, CA

Certificate of Technical Studies - Fire Academy

Allan Hancock College
Santa Maria, CA

Bakerfield City Fire Department Academy


  • Crew development, leadership, and team building
  • Firefighting procedures and tactics subject matter expert
  • Fire safety building inspections
  • Fire department procedures
  • Fire response team direction
  • Hazardous materials response
  • Technical rescue
  • Fire prevention
  • Public education
  • Supply procurement
  • Inventory management
  • Interagency coordination
  • Emergency management
  • Emergency response
  • Incident command
  • Personnel management


  • Firefighter I & II
  • Fire Inspector I & II
  • Fire Instructor I
  • Fire Officer I & II
  • Incident Safety Officer (ISO)
  • Hazmat Technician
  • Telecommunicator I & II
  • California State Fire Marshall USAR certification. (Rope I, Rope II, Confined Space Technician, Trench Rescue Technician, Structural Collapse Rescue Technician.
  • Swift Water Rescue Technician
  • Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) Master Training Specialist (MTS)


Fire Captain

Antelope Valley Fire Protection District
05.2024 - Current


Mountain Warfare Fire Department
05.2017 - Current

Senior Enlisted Leader

United States Navy
05.2017 - 04.2022


Fort Wainwright Fire Department
02.2015 - 05.2017
  • Firefighter I & II
  • Fire Inspector I & II
  • Fire Instructor I
  • Fire Officer I & II
  • Incident Safety Officer (ISO)
  • Hazmat Technician
  • Telecommunicator I & II
  • California State Fire Marshall USAR certification. (Rope I, Rope II, Confined Space Technician, Trench Rescue Technician, Structural Collapse Rescue Technician.
  • Swift Water Rescue Technician
  • Naval Education and Training Command (NETC) Master Training Specialist (MTS)

Certificate of Technical Studies - EMS Academy

Allan Hancock College

Certificate of Technical Studies - Fire Academy

Allan Hancock College

Bakerfield City Fire Department Academy
Benjamin PaladinoFire Captain