Enthusiastic Student Athlete that is seeking to be a Captain on the 7th Grade Jackson Middle School Football Team. Dedicated to helping my team in any way I can. Great mentality and performs well under pressure. Committed to helping others through leading by example, good sportsmanship and motivation.
I have been a leader on my travel teams. I am a starting pitcher and a shortstop which requires leadership and good communication. I showed strong leadership skills on and off the field and court, and was a role model for my teammates. Our motto is Effort and Attitude and Teammate, I did my best to show this at every game and practice.
I am very coachable and love to learn new things. I have a lot of pride and I love to win.
I complete daily and weekly tasks such as helping clean the yard, cleaning my room and doing the dishes. I help my parents do any task they ask me to do.
In the classroom I would always help other students when they needed help. I was a leader in the classroom by standing up to bullies and including others when they seemed left out.
I have a big heart for others and I feel like I am a kind person.
I am easy to get along with and have a lot of friends. I am respectful and have good manners. I also very proud to stand for the National Anthem each day at school.