Hardworking and passionate job seeker with strong
communication skills and enthusiasm. Eager to learn new skills to develop professionally. Seeking an opportunity/entry level position to discover a career path. Compelling interest in business, automotive, photography, and innovation.
Private First Class
Illinois National Guard serving part-time, training one weekend a month and two weeks a year for national defense and emergency response, operations such as disaster relief, law enforcement assistance, and military combat. While also being available for active duty missions when needed by the federal government or state governors.
Basic Combat Training
Successful completion of initial training at Fort Jackson. Consisted of multiple simulated missions such as night infiltration, low crawling under direct fire of machine guns, field training exercises under difficult climates, as well as weapon training and live firing scenarios. Improved teamwork and problem-solving abilities.
91B Basic Wheel Division United States Army Ordnance School
Principles in service, maintenance, repair, and test of military grade wheeled vehicles and weapon systems. Handling electrical, fuel, cooling, exhaust, brake, and fire suppression systems. Successful certification of Section 609 of the Clean Air Act in refrigerant recovery/recycle qualification