Work History
esl practicum
urban practicum
field experiences
student teaching
professional development presentations

Chloe Hyman



Passionate and energetic teacher with experience supporting students with ranging language abilities. Skilled in providing an inclusive classroom for a wide range of student backgrounds and cultures. Successful in supporting students develop strong literacy skills as well as written and oral language skills.


years of professional experience

Work History

English Language Development Teacher

Pine Road Elementary School
03.2016 - Current
  • Created and implemented lessons for students of ranging language abilities, from Newcomer/ Beginner to Bridging
  • Provided interventions for reading comprehension
  • Provided push-in support for students in the general education classroom for grades kindergarten through fifth grade in math, science, social studies, reading and writing
  • Worked with general education teachers to provide accommodated math tests for ELs
  • Consistently used pre-assessments, formative and summative assessments to learn about students’ levels and needs
  • Provided monitoring for students reclassified as Former ELs
  • Implemented progress monitoring for ELs
  • Served on the curriculum renewal team for the Writing and Reading curricula for ELs
  • Collaborated with Special Education teachers and Speech Pathologists to design appropriate accomodations and modifications for ELs
  • Planned and participated in family engagement events

Assistant Teacher and Lead Teacher

The Goddard School
01.2014 - 01.2016
  • Taught children ranging from the ages of 2- 5 years old while following the Goddard- specific curriculum and standards
  • Was responsible for children’s individual educational and developmental needs
  • Communicated with Occupational Therapists and specialists for students’ needs
  • Utilized a wide range of educational materials to develop children’s cognitive abilities.

Student Teacher- General Education

Rolling Hills Elementary School
08.2015 - 12.2015
  • Worked with 22 fourth grade students with ranging abilities- 4 English Language Learners, 1 of which was a newcomer EL, another that was a “Developing” EL, and 2 others that had exited the program
  • Created and implemented lessons using the Journeys curriculum for reading comprehension, guided reading and writing
  • Created and implemented supplementary lesson guides for below-level math students with the Envisions mathematics program
  • Worked regularly with the grade-level team to develop and coordinate lessons and curriculum
  • Consistently used pre-assessments, formative assessments and post-assessments, addressing the needs of all learners in the class
  • Produced and implemented unit plans consisting of the concepts of multi-strategies of multiplication in mathematics, author’s purpose in language arts and the water cycle in science.

Urban Practicum

Lincoln Elementary School
06.2015 - 06.2015
  • Participated in a classroom of 28 students, with ranging English abilities; children spoke Spanish and West African languages natively
  • Implemented reading lessons using direct phonics instruction for students with multiple reading and language disabilities
  • Participated in a rigorous program of professional development with the Bloomsburg University College of Education.


Bloomsburg University Writing Center
01.2012 - 01.2015
  • Tutored undergraduate and graduate students for their university level courses
  • Worked with many undergraduate and graduate ELs regularly
  • Was formally trained each semester of time working at the Writing Center on the most effective pedagogy for teaching writing to students of all levels.

English as a Second Language Practicum

Bloomsburg University ESL Institute
09.2013 - 12.2013
  • Created and implemented lesson plans using the English Language Proficiencies and standards for whole and small group instruction
  • Utilized instructional materials and strategies to develop leveled instruction for students with diverse levels for English language proficiency
  • Taught reading, speaking, listening, and writing based on WIDA's four language domains


Bachelor of Science in Education, Early Grades Preparation PK-4 -

Bloomsburg University
Bloomsburg, PA

Master of Education - Reading Specialist

Holy Family University
Philadelphia, PA

High School Diploma -

Council Rock High School South
Holland, PA


  • ESL Certified
  • Certified Reading Specialist
  • Strong classroom management
  • Positive reinforcement
  • SMART board aptitude
  • Knowledge of Google Suite
  • Student records management
  • Flexible to diverse learning needs
  • Parent-teacher communication
  • Multicultural awareness
  • Diversity and inclusion
  • Relationship building
  • Core Curriculum and standards


  • Pennsylvania State Teaching Certificate – Reading Specialist
  • English as a Second Language Certificate- Bloomsburg University
  • Pennsylvania State Teaching Certificate - PRE K- Grade 4

esl practicum

Bloomsburg University ESL Institute, Bloomsburg, PA, Taught all aspects of the English language- speech, grammar, pronunciation, reading, writing, etc., Composed and implemented lesson plans using the English Language Proficiencies and standards for whole and small group instruction, Utilized instructional materials and strategies to develop leveled instruction for students with diverse levels for English language proficiency

urban practicum

Lincoln Elementary School, Bethlehem, PA. Participated in a classroom of 28 students, with ranging English abilities; children spoke Spanish and West African languages natively, Practiced pedagogical and professional behaviors with a team of fourth grade teachers, Implemented reading lessons using direct phonics instruction for students with multiple reading and language disabilities, Participated in a rigorous program of professional development with the Bloomsburg University College of Education

field experiences

  • Bloomsburg Memorial Elementary School, Bloomsburg, PA, 03/2014, 05/2014, Developed and implemented an instructional plan for a kindergarten EL, Created and utilized reading lessons developing the kindergarten emergent reader, Taught reading, speaking and listening strategies using knowledge of the ELPs as well as the Five Components of Reading
  • Jackson Primary School, Williamsport, PA, 04/2014, Observed and participated with children in a third grade classroom, implementing mathematics strategies to support students
  • Rolling Hills Elementary School, Holland, PA, 03/2015, Observed and supported a student with academic needs in a 4th grade general education classroom, Observed in a 2nd grade inclusion classroom
  • Richboro Elementary School, Richboro, PA, 03/2015, Observed in an ESL setting with students grades K-6

student teaching

Rolling Hills Elementary School, Holland, PA, 08/2015, 12/2015, Student Teacher- General Education: Grade 4, Worked with 22 fourth grade students with ranging abilities- including 4 English Language Learners, Created and implemented lessons using the Journeys curriculum for reading comprehension, guided reading and writing, Created and implemented supplementary lesson guides for below-level math students with the Envisions mathematics program, Worked regularly with the grade-level team to develop and coordinate lessons and curriculum, Produced and implemented unit plans for math, reading, and science

professional development presentations

Prepared and delivered several school-wide professional development presentations regarding the ELD (English Language Development) program. Collaborated with the ELD team to create several presentations about best ELD practices and strategies to support English learners. With the influx of Ukrainaian refugees, a presentation was planned to ensure teachers were supporting students emotional needs as well as their academic needs.


English Language Development Teacher

Pine Road Elementary School
03.2016 - Current

Student Teacher- General Education

Rolling Hills Elementary School
08.2015 - 12.2015

Urban Practicum

Lincoln Elementary School
06.2015 - 06.2015

Assistant Teacher and Lead Teacher

The Goddard School
01.2014 - 01.2016

English as a Second Language Practicum

Bloomsburg University ESL Institute
09.2013 - 12.2013


Bloomsburg University Writing Center
01.2012 - 01.2015

Bachelor of Science in Education, Early Grades Preparation PK-4 -

Bloomsburg University

Master of Education - Reading Specialist

Holy Family University

High School Diploma -

Council Rock High School South
  • Pennsylvania State Teaching Certificate – Reading Specialist
  • English as a Second Language Certificate- Bloomsburg University
  • Pennsylvania State Teaching Certificate - PRE K- Grade 4
Chloe Hyman