Passionate and energetic teacher with experience supporting students with ranging language abilities. Skilled in providing an inclusive classroom for a wide range of student backgrounds and cultures. Successful in supporting students develop strong literacy skills as well as written and oral language skills.
Bloomsburg University ESL Institute, Bloomsburg, PA, Taught all aspects of the English language- speech, grammar, pronunciation, reading, writing, etc., Composed and implemented lesson plans using the English Language Proficiencies and standards for whole and small group instruction, Utilized instructional materials and strategies to develop leveled instruction for students with diverse levels for English language proficiency
Lincoln Elementary School, Bethlehem, PA. Participated in a classroom of 28 students, with ranging English abilities; children spoke Spanish and West African languages natively, Practiced pedagogical and professional behaviors with a team of fourth grade teachers, Implemented reading lessons using direct phonics instruction for students with multiple reading and language disabilities, Participated in a rigorous program of professional development with the Bloomsburg University College of Education
Rolling Hills Elementary School, Holland, PA, 08/2015, 12/2015, Student Teacher- General Education: Grade 4, Worked with 22 fourth grade students with ranging abilities- including 4 English Language Learners, Created and implemented lessons using the Journeys curriculum for reading comprehension, guided reading and writing, Created and implemented supplementary lesson guides for below-level math students with the Envisions mathematics program, Worked regularly with the grade-level team to develop and coordinate lessons and curriculum, Produced and implemented unit plans for math, reading, and science
Prepared and delivered several school-wide professional development presentations regarding the ELD (English Language Development) program. Collaborated with the ELD team to create several presentations about best ELD practices and strategies to support English learners. With the influx of Ukrainaian refugees, a presentation was planned to ensure teachers were supporting students emotional needs as well as their academic needs.