Work History

Danny Mazel

Gulf Breeze


Between my roles as a club and section leader I have learned several skills unique to being in charge of a group of students. I've learned communication skills, how to plan events well in advance, how to solve problems affecting the entire group, and how to help when people face their own individual issues. The greatest skill I've learned is how to rely on the people in my team. Often there are going to be members that have more developed skills in certain areas, and as a team leader it's important to know how and when to rely on the skills of the people in my team.


years of professional experience

Work History

Band Leadership

Gulf Breeze High School Marching Band
  • Mentored section members developing my leadership skills.
  • Lead sectionals where I taught other students based on lessons plans and activates I created.
  • Collaborated with the Band Director to develop engaging show concepts for competitions and events.
  • Went to a summer camp to learn leadership skills from college professors.

HOSA Competitor

  • Competed at the Regional and State level
  • Learned Competition skills such as good sportsmanship, confidence, and foresight.
  • Learned how to work on a team that had interpersonal issues.
  • Studied Several EMT skills such as patient analysis, cardiac interventions, use of non-rebreather, and administration of drugs like Naloxone.

AHMP member

Academy of Health and Medical Professions
  • Studying Human anatomy sophomore year.
  • Currently studying EMR skills.
  • Completed CERT program.
  • Learned about other medical professions.
  • Improved traits important to a medical provider such as empathy, accountability, and honesty.

Club Leader

Marine Science
08.2022 - Current
  • Assisted with special events and programs.
  • Established clear communication channels between members, staff, and leadership to keep everyone informed about important updates.
  • Enhanced club member engagement by organizing regular events such as beach cleanups and fishing days.
  • Recruited and trained volunteers, enhancing the overall efficiency of club events and programs.


High School Diploma -

Gulf Breeze High School
Gulf Breeze, FL


  • Team leadership
  • Member Management
  • Verbal and written communication
  • Find quick solutions to a variety of problems


  • Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification - American Heart Association or American Red Cross.
  • Wilderness First Aid
  • CERT(Community Emergency Response Team)
  • Scuba Diver Certification
  • Boater's License


Club Leader

Marine Science
08.2022 - Current
  • Basic Life Support (BLS) Certification - American Heart Association or American Red Cross.
  • Wilderness First Aid
  • CERT(Community Emergency Response Team)
  • Scuba Diver Certification
  • Boater's License

Band Leadership

Gulf Breeze High School Marching Band

HOSA Competitor

AHMP member

Academy of Health and Medical Professions

High School Diploma -

Gulf Breeze High School
Danny Mazel