Work History
2022 FBI Health Care Fraud Program Outstanding Partner of the Year

Dennis McKillen



Senior-level Investigator with experience managing case analysis in law enforcement settings. Adept at partnering with colleagues and other agencies to gather investigative data. Known for excellence in Drug Diversion Investigation, Healthcare Fraud Investigations, and Money Laundering Investigations


years of professional experience

Work History

Diversion Investigator

Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA
10.2017 - Current
  • Enforce the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) and the Chemical Diversion Act (CDTA) regarding the manufacture, distribution and dispensing of legal controlled substances and listed chemicals.
  • Ensure DEA, state and federal compliance relating to controlled substance manufacturing and distribution activities.
  • Investigate suspicious ordering of controlled substances.
  • Verify/audit inventories of controlled substances.
  • Ensure facilities and controlled substance storage locations are compliant with DEA regulations.
  • Conduct interviews with witnesses and clients.
  • Collected, analyzed and interpreted information, documentation, and physical evidence associated with investigation.
  • Document findings and prepared detailed reports.
  • Testify at Criminal, Civil and Administrative Hearings as expert witness.

Police Officer

Southlake Police Department
09.2016 - 09.2017
  • Answered emergency calls for help from citizens and business owners.
  • Conducted preliminary investigations at scenes of major crimes.
  • Investigated and reported crimes, accidents, offenses, and damage to property.
  • Assisted in special investigations and crime prevention programs.
  • Built excellent rapport and working relationship with community to build trust and improve upon communication.
  • Obtained information from arrested subjects to conduct debriefings.
  • Provided testimony in court proceedings.

Police Sergeant

Pentagon Police
02.2006 - 02.2016
  • Established and enforced employee performance policies.
  • Ensure senior leadership are informed with pertinent information with timeliness and accuracy.
  • Led shift briefings to inform officers of properties to check and individuals of note in local areas.
  • Responsible for supervision of wide range of anti-terrorism force protection measures on the Pentagon Reservation.
  • Supervised crowds at busy events to prevent acts of terrorism, injuries and property destruction.


Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice

Canisius College
Buffalo, NY


  • Research skills
  • Due diligence
  • Records management
  • Data review
  • Compliance assessment
  • Case consulting

2022 FBI Health Care Fraud Program Outstanding Partner of the Year

Recognized by the FBI Health Care Fraud Unit Chief for being lead investigator on several cases, leading to discovery of tens of millions of dollars in healthcare fraud. 


Diversion Investigator

Drug Enforcement Administration, DEA
10.2017 - Current

Police Officer

Southlake Police Department
09.2016 - 09.2017

Police Sergeant

Pentagon Police
02.2006 - 02.2016

Bachelor of Arts - Criminal Justice

Canisius College
Dennis McKillen