I am a willing volunteer to help out the community and people. I have always focused on school the most and have wanted a job for a long time now. I have great organization skills (originates from OCD), so I would be a great organizer and I would make sure to keep everything neat. I can talk to people easily and have patience to help customers. I am good with working for and/or with other people. As well as my ability to adapt to new environments and learn material quick. I have good time management and I am capable of multi-tasking. I try my best to be reliable, since I am in school.
I do Cross Country because for me it gives me an opportunity to connect with my piers and I have always liked running since middle school. Running just clears my mind and allows me to be better mentally. I find it fun, even though I feel like dying, and I consider myself fairly good with a 19:00 minute 5k run.