Hard-working, proactive and well-rounded student at Maria Carrillo High School. Organized and driven. Loves to collaborate with others to contribute to a greater goal. Enthusiastic, respectful, and outgoing. Passionate about learning and contributing to the community.
Learned classroom management, commerical cooking skills. Prepared medically-tailored meals for chronically ill clients. Led youth cooking and nutrition classes.
Volunteered as a guest reader for a community program called "Leamos Afuera." Read in Spanish and English to children ages 2-6.
Taught children ages 5-8 in a week-long outdoor summer camp. Led activities in ecology, botany, survival skills, paddling, swimming, and native lands appreciation.
Supported the restoration of Ranchero Mark West Preserve after the Glass Fire by removing toxic waste, rebuilding summer camp infrastructure, and replanting a native food garden.
Cared for and tended crops and animals while educating and collaborating with other volunteers and visitors. Commmunicated in Spanish as needed.
Provided assistance and support in administrative and technological tasks in addition to financial and health care management for a senior citizen during the pandemic.