Dedicated Mild Elementary Special Education Teacher adept in IEP development and relationship building. Built good relationships with assistants and fostered significant improvements in student reading and math skills, demonstrating effective assessment strategies and de-escalation techniques. Collaborated closely with parents and educators to enhance student success.
Planned instruction in reading and math to meet the needs of each student based on their lagging skills.
Managed multiple assistants and regularly communicated with them to assess the needs of the students in the general education setting.
Created schedules adhering to each child's Individual Education Plan.
Regularly communicated with general education teachers to assess how the student was performing the the classroom setting.
Team member on the school's educational/behavioral improvement team.
Worked with parents and general education teachers to develop goals and understand needs of the student.
Instructed students in K-5th grade in reading, math, organization, and behavioral skills.
Coordinated schedules with assistants, general education teachers, and students to meet student's needs.
Communicated with general education teachers regularly to assess each student's performance in the classroom setting.
Met with parents and teachers to develop new goals for the student.