Work History

Elizabeth Renee Thieman



Compassionate teacher focused on implementing highly effective instructional practices to improve student learning, academic performance, and character development.


years of professional experience

Work History

Reading Specialist

Bayless Elementary School, Bayless School District
St. Louis, Missouri
07.2016 - Current
  • Provide special reading services for up to 33 Kindergarten-Fifth Grade students from diverse cultural, ethnic, language, and socioeconomic backgrounds
  • 88% of serviced first grade students met their student learning objective in Decodable Words goal by Spring 2022
  • Assess students through Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Benchmarks, FASTBridge, Phonics First, and anecdotal records
  • Provide explicit instruction in phonics and vocabulary, reading comprehension strategies, fluency strategies, guided reading, conferring, and writing
  • Foster oral language development and critical thinking skills during literary discussions
  • Instruct students through Fountas and Pinnell's Leveled Literacy Intervention and Orton-Gillingham's Phonics First Intervention
  • Plan and provide literacy support to classroom teachers in Guided Reading, Reader's Workshop, Daily 5, Fountas and Pinnell Phonics, Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Benchmarks, Lucy Calkins Reading and Lucy Calkins Writing
  • Provide professional development in administering Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Level Benchmarks
  • Provide support in English Language Arts curriculum development
  • Assist in identification of Phonics program for grades K-2
  • Assist in coordination of building literacy activities and events
  • Serve as a reading and writing tutor
  • Participate in Care Teams and Data Teams for academic and behavioral needs for grade level students
  • Led organization and leveling of guided reading texts for new Guided Reading Room in Library Media Center
  • Professional Development in Vertical Writing, Dyslexia in the Classroom, FastBridge Learning Assessments, Orton-Gillinghmam's Phonics First Intervention, Fountas and Pinnell Phonics, Spelling, and Word Study System, Reader's Workshop from The Teachers College Reading and Writing Project, and WIDA Access
  • Built positive and productive relationships with teachers to drive improvements to reading programs.

Third Grade Teacher

Bayless Elementary School, Bayless School District
St. Louis, Missouri
07.2011 - 07.2016
  • Created an enjoyable and interesting learning environment for up to 25 students each year
  • Led third grade class to 60.6% proficient and advanced in ELA and 52.5% proficient and advanced in Math for Missouri Assessment Program (MAP) test scores during the 2015-2016 school year
  • Instructed third grade curriculum, designing and implementing SIOP lessons to meet the academic, intellectual and social needs of students
  • Provided instruction in English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies using a variety of instructional strategies (direct instruction, classroom discussions, cooperative learning, independent work, small group, one-on-one, interactive, experiential, and hands-on learning, etc.
  • Boosted cultural awareness by incorporating children’s literature from cultures around the world
  • Adapted teaching methods and materials to meet students' varying needs and interests
  • Integrated technology through Smart Board and Bright Link Technology
  • Assessed student performance through Fountas and Pinnell Guided Reading Benchmarks, anecdotal records, formative assessments, student-teacher conferencing, and standards based grading
  • Implemented Guided Reading, Reader's Workshop, Daily 5, CAFÉ, and conferences
  • Co-developed and implemented Grade 3 Mathematics Curriculum using Ainsworth Rigorous Curriculum Design
  • Professional Development in Everyday Mathematics and My Math resources
  • Professional Develipment for and implementation of Co-Teaching for English Language Learners Model
  • Organized and led parent-teacher conferences
  • Provided Title I reading tutoring for after school program.

RtI Interventionist

Bayless Elementary School, Bayless School District
St. Louis, Missouri
01.2011 - 06.2011
  • RtI Interventionist (Kindgergarten, first, third, fourth, and fifth grades)
  • Planned and instructed small groups of students using balanced literacy model (word work, guided reading, writing, independent reading)
  • Assessed and progress monitored students using AIMSWeb and implement Corrective Reading and High Point curricula with differentiated small groups
  • Attended and provided input at monthly data team meetings
  • Instructed reading curriculum, designed and implemented lessons to meet the academic, intellectual and social needs of students
  • Provided instruction in reading using a variety of instructional strategies
  • Assessed student performance through running records and AIMS web and student conferencing
  • Participated in building parent-teacher conferences

Student Teacher

Point Elementary School, Mehlville School District
St. Louis, Missouri
10.2010 - 12.2010
  • Instructed second grade curriculum, designed and implemented lessons to meet the academic, intellectual and social needs of students
  • Provided instruction in communication arts, mathematics, science and social studies using a variety of instructional strategies
  • Assessed student performance through running records, anecdotal records, and student-teacher conferences.

Student Teacher

Hagemann Elementary School, Mehlville School District
St. Louis, Missouri
08.2010 - 10.2010
  • Implemented early childhood curriculum, created and taught lessons in order to meet the academic, social, and intellectual needs of the students
  • Provided instruction in cognitive development, social-emotional development, gross motor, and fine motor development
  • Assessed student performance through checklists, student work samples, anecdotal records, and rubrics.


Master of Arts - Elementary Education/Special Reading

University of Missouri - St. Louis

Bachelor of Science - Early Childhood Education

Southeast Missouri State University


  • Instructional best practices
  • RTI application
  • Data collection, organization, and analysis
  • Plan and facilitate Professional Development
  • Assist in planning Annual Literacy Night family engagement events
  • Assist in planning Read Across America Week
  • Creative lesson planning
  • SMART Board aptitude
  • Group and individualized instruction
  • Student progress monitoring
  • Conflict resolution techniques
  • Title 1 compliance
  • Differentiated instruction
  • Peer collaboration
  • Member of Broncho Magic Committee (culture and climate)


  • Orton-Gillingham Dyslexia Specialist
  • 2019-2020 Bayless Elementary Teacher of the Year Nominee
  • Design and conduct well-received professional development workshops for Bayless Elementary staff on Critical Literacy, Dyslexia, Guided Reading, and Reader's Workshop, and Conferring
  • Collaborate with literacy team to identify and support new reading interventions for K-2 classrooms and students
  • Plan and facilitate FASTBridge data collection and analysis for K-5


Early Childhood, (Birth-3), December, 2014 Status: Career

Elementary Education (1-6), December, 2014 Status: Career

Special Reading (K-12), February, 2016 Status: Career


Ms. Kelly Klocke, Federal Programs Coordinator and Assistant Principal

Bayless Elementary School

4531 Weber Road St. Louis, Missouri


Mrs. Kimberly Grempler, Reading Curriculum Chair and Reading Specialist
Bayless Elementary School
4531 Weber Road St. Louis, Missouri

Mrs. Marjy Schneider

Bayless Elementary School

4531 Weber Road St. Louis, Missouri


Reading Specialist

Bayless Elementary School, Bayless School District
07.2016 - Current

Third Grade Teacher

Bayless Elementary School, Bayless School District
07.2011 - 07.2016

RtI Interventionist

Bayless Elementary School, Bayless School District
01.2011 - 06.2011

Student Teacher

Point Elementary School, Mehlville School District
10.2010 - 12.2010

Student Teacher

Hagemann Elementary School, Mehlville School District
08.2010 - 10.2010

Master of Arts - Elementary Education/Special Reading

University of Missouri - St. Louis

Bachelor of Science - Early Childhood Education

Southeast Missouri State University

Early Childhood, (Birth-3), December, 2014 Status: Career

Elementary Education (1-6), December, 2014 Status: Career

Special Reading (K-12), February, 2016 Status: Career

Elizabeth Renee Thieman