Motivated, enthusiastic, and empathetic leader and student. Great communication and problem solving skills. Very receptive to feedback and always looking to lend a helping hand.
Tutor for middle and high school students in math, science, English, history, and Spanish. Enhanced student comprehension by incorporating real-life examples and analogies during tutoring sessions.
After completing 70 hours of in-classroom training, I became an emailer at Teen Line. After completing 200 hours in the hotline room responding to emails and texts from teens around the globe, I passed 15 roleplays and tests and became a listener (highest ranked role at Teen Line) in January 2023. To date, I have spent over 300 hours counseling and assisting teens with situations ranging from child abuse, to anxiety and depression.
Hand-embroidered various items of clothing which were sold online, and at the storefront. Worked in the store and sold my items. Collaborated with management and design teams to ensure cohesive branding across various platforms.