Software Engineer Intern dedicated to improving skills through hands-on learning and development work. Proficient in mobile and desktop development environments. Adept at using HTML5, JavaScript and other programming languages to produce clean code. Well-organized and collaborative team player with strong communication and analytical abilities.
P.C. Games using Python Turtle Module:
i) Space Invaders Game:
Description: Assume that you were in a spaceship and aliens attack you. Now you need to attack the aliens by shooting them in order to
Survive. The game ends if the aliens destroy your ship
Technology: Python
ii)Pong Game:
Description: It is a game where two players are required. Here a Paddle is provided to both the players. The player should hit the ball
Which moves continuously between them. There is Scoreboard at the top. If a player misses to hit the ball, then the opponent will get a
Chance to win a point.
Technology: Python
Online voting System:
Description: This is a web project designed for casting the votes in an online platform & view the results of the poll and analyze the
Differences by using bar graphs
Technologies: HTML, CSS, JavaScript