Compassionate Licensed Psychiatric Technician with strong track record of implementing effective behavioral management programs. Sound knowledge of addiction symptomatology and diagnosed mental disorders. Handles tasks effectively and communicates with tact and discretion.
As a substitute health aide I fill in at the schools who don't have a health aide or nurse that day. There are 5 different schools in the district that I can work at as a substitute health aide. As a substitute health aide I do medication passes, manage blood sugars, administer the right treatment when an injury occurs, and communicate with parents when needed.
As a patient companion apart of my job is to monitor the patient and document on them every 15 minutes. However, I also notify the nurse if the patient needs something or if I notice the patient may be in distress. Some other job duties are taking the patient to shower if requested, provide a listening ear when they want to talk, and giving them their meals when its meal time.