As a Health and Safety Engineer, I enhance health and safety standards in underdeveloped countries, secure funding for economic development, and improve fiscal planning. My expertise includes tax policy analysis, public health research, grant writing, and stakeholder collaboration.
Togo's Development Project (ODP), I contributed to the following initiatives aimed at improving public investment management, mobilizing domestic resources, and ensuring accountability and monitoring of goods and services:
Project Strengthening Public Accountability and Citizen Engagement in Togo
SDG 3 Tax Desk Reviews TOGO & Djibouti : Good Health and Well-being (SDG 3)
To promote health and Nutrition, prevent diseases, and improve healthcare systems, Developed an SDG Dashboard for Togo and Djibouti. This tool enables policymakers to make data-driven decisions by providing a comprehensive view of the country's progress toward achieving SDG 3.
Gender Disparities in Air Pollution Exposure and Health Risks: A Case Study of Mongolia
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Clinical Nutrition, Publons Academy, 2018
Web of Science Researcher's' AFM (4200(2022)
Cardiovascular Disease Prevention and Clinical Nutrition, Publons Academy, 2018
Web of Science Researcher's' AFM (4200(2022)