My English name is Alice Lu. I'm from China since the end of July 2024 with my family. I have been working at an international IB school as an Elementary Teaching Assistant for 6 years. I love my job! I love kids! I love school! My previous roles involved implementing special individual lesson plans with homeroom teacher, fostering positive relationships with students to encourage academic growth.
Classroom Support.
- Assistant, individual students, and small groups with learning tasks set by the teacher.
- Support students in following classroom agreements and meeting behavior expectations.
- Organize and prepare teaching materials, and develop resources as requested.
- Discuss individual learning plan with homeroom teacher and participant parents' conference.
Students' Supervision
- Arrive promptly for all assigned supervision duties.
- Take a proactive approach to supervision, noticing potential conflict and inappropriate behavior, supporting students in solving problems and reacting appropriately to the actions of others, reporting any situations, objects, or events quickly, and keeping them in a safe and kind environment at all times.