Work History
Leadership And Project Management
Tools And Software
Selected Publications


Research Scientist


Experienced research scientist specializing in carbon flux measurement/modeling of bioenergy crop systems as well as applying AI-driven data analysis and statistical modeling to explore carbon responses to environmental parameters. Strong background in big environmental dataset processing and machine learning applications for understanding ecosystem dynamics. Passionate about leveraging data-driven approaches to enhance agricultural decision-making. Skilled in cross-disciplinary research collaboration and building interactive data platforms.


years of professional experience
years of post-secondary education

Work History

Research Scientist III

Iowa State University
01.2021 - Current
  • Led machine learning applications for carbon flux and evapotranspiration estimation in bioenergy crops
  • Developed an interactive RShiny dashboard for large-scale crop flux comparisons
  • Managed data pipelines from four eddy covariance towers monitoring sorghum, soybean, corn, and Miscanthus
  • Conducted advanced statistical modeling for understanding carbon dynamics in agricultural systems
  • Coordinated cross-institutional research efforts across Iowa, Illinois, and Florida sites

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Iowa State University
01.2019 - 01.2021
  • Implemented ANN models to enhance carbon flux data interpretation
  • Led data integration and quality control for multi-year eddy covariance datasets
  • Applied spatiotemporal analysis to quantify carbon uptake in bioenergy crops

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of British Columbia
09.2017 - 10.2018
  • Published research on peatland carbon balances using eddy covariance data

Postdoctoral Researcher

Yale University
09.2014 - 06.2015
  • Published research on long-term CO₂ flux trends in disturbed peatlands


Ph.D. - Chemistry

Abant Izzet Baysal University
01.2009 - 06.2013

Master of Science - Chemical Engineering

Izmir Institute of Technology
Izmir, Turkey
09.2005 - 06.2008

Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering

Izmir Institute of Technology
Izmir, Turkey
09.2000 - 06.2005


    Statistical modeling

    Machine learning

    Research and publication

    Data analysis

    Data collection

Leadership And Project Management

  • Lead scientist for DOE-funded CABBI eddy covariance flux network (Iowa, Illinois, Florida).
  • Supervised undergraduate researchers in R programming and machine learning applications.

Tools And Software

  • General data analysis/filtering/mining: R programming
  • Machine learning application to the big data (flux data): Randomforest R tool, Matlab ANNs tools.
  • Interactive web apps: R shiny.
  • Data sharing platform: GitHub

Selected Publications

  • Aslan-Sungur, G ., Boersma N., Moore C., Heaton E., Bernacchi C., Vanloocke A., 2024, Advances in Miscanthus planting techniques increase carbon uptake in establishment years., GCB Bioenergy
  • Aslan-Sungur, G ., Moore C., Heaton E., Bernacchi C., Vanloocke A., Under Review, Artificial Neural Networks estimate evapotranspiration in Miscanthus as effectively as empirical models., Theoretical & Applied Climatology
  • Srishti G., Aslan-Sungur, G ., VanLoocke A., Drewry D.T., Under Review, Explainable Machine Learning for latent energy flux estimation using proximal remote sensing., Agricultural Water Management
  • Bendorf, J., Heaton, E., Hartman, T., Aslan-Sungur, G ., Vanloocke, A., 2022, Agroecosystem model simulations reveal spatial variability in relative productivity in biomass sorghum and maize in Iowa, USA., GCB Bioenergy , 14, 1336–1360,
  • Brynhildur Bjarnadottir, Guler Aslan-Sungur , Bjarni D. Sigurdsson, Bjarki T. Kjartansson, Hlynur Oskarsson, Edda S. Oddsdottir, Gunnhildur E. Gunnarsdottir, Andrew Black., 2021, Carbon and water balance of an afforested shallow drained peatland in Iceland., Forest Ecology and Management , 482, 118861,
  • Aslan-Sungur G ., X. Lee., F. Evrendilek., N. Karakaya., 2016, Large interannual variability in net ecosystem carbon dioxide exchange of a disturbed temperate peatland., Science of the Total Environment , 554, 192-202


Research Scientist III

Iowa State University
01.2021 - Current

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Iowa State University
01.2019 - 01.2021

Postdoctoral Researcher

University of British Columbia
09.2017 - 10.2018

Postdoctoral Researcher

Yale University
09.2014 - 06.2015

Ph.D. - Chemistry

Abant Izzet Baysal University
01.2009 - 06.2013

Master of Science - Chemical Engineering

Izmir Institute of Technology
09.2005 - 06.2008

Bachelor of Science - Chemical Engineering

Izmir Institute of Technology
09.2000 - 06.2005
GULER ASLAN SUNGURResearch Scientist