Hello, I'm Haylee Darnell, I am a 20-year-old certified nursing assistant, gymnastics coach, and photographer. Through my work as a photographer, I have developed a great clientele base and reputation through mastering Adobe Lightroom, and reaching new levels of expertise with every session.
As a state-certified nursing assistant, with a track record of working in hectic settings, I can effectively manage my time while being attentive to patients' needs in able to provide high-volume high-quality care.
As a gymnastics coach, I have great problem-solving skills, a willingness to learn, and exceptional communication qualities to help those around me achieve their goals. I help coach my team to provide favorable outcomes and support the overall success of the team. I am ready to work passionately and enthusiastically to accomplish organizational goals and take on new challenges.
- Gymnastics
- Cheer
- Volleyball
-[4 years] 4-H Secretary
-[2 years] 4-H Treasurer
-[2 years] 4-H Vice President
- [2 years] FFA Treasurer
Adobe Lightroom