Work History
Professional References

Heather Wiggins



Dedicated and forward-thinking professional passionate about fostering strong relationships, providing exceptional student support services, and demonstrating instructional leadership. Committed to excellence and motivated to introduce innovative programs that empower individuals to reach their highest potential.


years of professional experience

Work History

Director of Student Assistance

Mustang Public Schools
08.2021 - Current
  • Responsible for managing all aspects of the mental health team, including hiring, evaluations, training, finances, and support
  • Presented on mental health services and cyber-bullying to state lawmakers
  • Worked with local mental health and community organizations to obtain resources
  • Worked with families, students, and staff during and after a crisis to provide support
  • District’s McKinney-Vento Liaison responsible for verifying status, working with families to find resources, and advocating for students
  • Assisted in creating and changing district policies and practices for drug and alcohol suspensions, therapy dogs, behavioral supports, and social-emotional curriculum
  • Worked with families and students suspended for drug and alcohol offenses and managed reinstatement requirements
  • Presented on various topics to the Mustang Board of Education
  • Collaborated on and created district-wide social-emotional curriculum
  • Responsible for working with local DHS/CPS agencies to advocate for students
  • Mentored and worked with new counselors across the district at all sites
  • Advocated for school counselors in regards to work load, schedules, and administrative responsibilities
  • Worked with colleagues to add additional counselor positions
  • Developed and implemented mental health and behavior based classrooms for elementary and middle school students
  • Acting principal for students and district staff at the district’s Level 4 Mental Health day treatment facility
  • Collaborated with district team to create a safety risk assessment plan for students making threatening comments or engaging in threatening behaviors

Assistant Principal

Mustang Middle School
07.2015 - 08.2021
  • Responsible for school wide communications and newsletters
  • Provided instructional leadership for multiple subject-area teams
  • Developed and implemented academic interventions for struggling students
  • Mentored and developed professional development for new teachers
  • Evaluated and managed various teams and individual teachers
  • Responsible for duty schedule, school-wide calendar, and monthly Character award
  • Worked with the high school to develop and implement 8th grade student tours and Legacy Week activities
  • Advocated for the betterment of Mustang Public Schools by participating in advocacy at the state capitol
  • Worked with parent organization to fundraise for and organize 8th grade dance and Teacher Appreciation Week


Edmond Santa Fe High School
08.2003 - 05.2015
  • Courses and activities: English I, English III, English IV, Humanities, Collaborative English I, Pre-AP English I, AP Language and Composition, Effective Learning Strategies, varsity cheerleading sponsor, assistant swimming coach, Administrative Intern, Chair for Mr
  • And Miss SFHS Ceremony, gradebook manager, Principal’s Advisory Committee
  • Student Council: in charge of school wide event planning including charity events, dances, blood drives, elections and interviews, responsible for finances and working with local media and business partners
  • Environmental Club Sponsor: maintained a club with 40 members, planning educational and civic activities, and assisting city of Edmond employees and fellow high schools sponsors to begin an annual Bike to School event
  • Freshman Academy: helped coordinate school-wide implementation of the Freshman Academy, including training teachers, collaborating with other schools, promoting the general philosophy, and creating intervention classes for struggling Freshman


Master of Arts - Educational Leadership

Southern Nazarene University

Secondary Language Arts Certification -

University of Central Oklahoma

B.A. - Journalism (advertising)

University of Oklahoma


  • Relationship building
  • Instructional leadership
  • Student advocacy
  • Collaborative mindset
  • Decision-making
  • Staff development
  • Team building
  • Problem-solving


  • Supervised team of 9 to 20 staff members.
  • Created mental health policies and procedures through collaborative efforts

Professional References

  • Dr. Karen Wilson, Executive Director of Special Services,, 405-376-6934
  • Ramae Collins, Principal at Mustang Middle School,, 405-376-7379
  • Lisa Adams, Assistant Principal at Edmond Santa Fe High School,, 405-340-2230
  • Micheal Barrick, Director of Behavioral Support Systems at Mustang Public Schools,, 580-475-4173


Maryland Administrative I License

Oklahoma Secondary Principal's License

Oklahoma Secondary Journalism and English Language Arts


Director of Student Assistance

Mustang Public Schools
08.2021 - Current

Assistant Principal

Mustang Middle School
07.2015 - 08.2021


Edmond Santa Fe High School
08.2003 - 05.2015

Secondary Language Arts Certification -

University of Central Oklahoma

B.A. - Journalism (advertising)

University of Oklahoma

Maryland Administrative I License

Oklahoma Secondary Principal's License

Oklahoma Secondary Journalism and English Language Arts

Master of Arts - Educational Leadership

Southern Nazarene University
Heather Wiggins