Work History

Henry Claude Eliacin

Johnson City,TN


Reliable candidate ready to take on challenges using problem-solving and task prioritization to help the team succeed. Foreign medical graduate and trained surgeon with experience in community and academic hospitals, as well as emergency and mass casualty response. Ability to manage completing demands in fast-paced environments effectively. Maintains organized, clean, and safe work areas with diligent attention to important details.


years of professional experience

Work History

FFI / Pediatric Surgery

Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Creteil
Paris, France
10.2022 - 08.2023
  • Supported the attendings in their daily tasks, reducing workload burden and allowing for increased focus on higher-priority assignments.
  • Gained valuable experience working with skilled pediatric surgeons on many surgical and orthopedic pediatric cases, and applying learned concepts directly into relevant work situations.

General Surgeon

Saint Nicolas Hospital
Saint Marc, Haiti
11.2020 - 12.2022
  • Operated on general surgical and acute trauma patients, adhering to strict safety and infection prevention protocols
  • Mentored and trained residents, medical students, and junior staff in general surgery techniques
  • Consulted with other healthcare professionals to ensure optimal patient care before and after surgeries
  • Educated patients and their families about pre-and post-operative care expectations and recovery processes

General Surgery Resident

Mirebalais University Hospital
10.2015 - 09.2020

I worked as an assistant chef resident and active member of the GEMEC committee.

  • In my role, I managed both hospitalized and outpatient patients.
  • Acted as a strong patient advocate, ensuring their needs were met and optimizing their overall healthcare experience.
  • Presented cases at weekly morbidity and mortality conferences, facilitating discussions on best practices and areas for improvement.
  • Participated in regular journal clubs to critically review literature on the latest advancements in general surgery techniques.
  • Utilized electronic medical records systems proficiently to document patient encounters and maintain accurate medical histories.

Emergency Medicine Physician

Mirebalais Teaching Hospital
Mirebalais, Haiti
05.2013 - 09.2015
  • Assisted in triage during mass casualty incidents and disaster response events
  • Provided care for pediatric and adult emergency patients, with a range of acute medical, surgical and traumatic complaints
  • Communicated effectively with hospital staff to ensure efficient handoff of patient care responsibilities
  • Acted as mentor for medical students and residents training in emergency medicine, supporting their medical education
  • Participated in emergency care research and academic scholarship
  • Adhered strictly to local protocols, guidelines, and regulations when providing care
  • Monitored patients' progress and adjusted treatment plans accordingly
  • Managed emergency situations calmly and efficiently while prioritizing patient safety


School Health Clinic
Cayes, Haiti
07.2012 - 05.2013

After working in the cholera epidemiology department, I accepted the physician position in a clinic responsible for education and giving primary care to multiple schools. In this role, I:

  • Instructed patients and families on medical diagnoses and treatment options.
  • Collaborated with consulting physicians regarding the care of patients.

Consultant Physician

Ministry of Public Health and Population
Corail, Haiti
06.2012 - 12.2012

During the Cholera epidemic in Haiti, I worked for the Ministry of Health at Corail Hospital as a consultant and supervisor of the Center for Treatment of Cholera.

  • Collaborated with specialists for comprehensive patient care, improving health outcomes.
  • Conducted physical examinations and diagnostic tests to diagnose patients' medical conditions accurately.


Health Center Robillard
Robillard, Haiti
02.2012 - 06.2012

As the only physician in the community, I was responsible for the clinic, I saw outpatients, and in case of emergency, I stabilized patients before transferring to another hospital. In my role I:

  • Instructed patients and families on medical diagnoses and treatment options.
  • Coordinated patient referrals with specialists for optimal continuity of care throughout the treatment process.
  • Promoted preventive healthcare practices among patients, reducing the overall burden of chronic diseases.


Health Center Chambellan
01.2006 - 10.2011

As the only physician in the community, I was responsible for the clinic. I saw outpatients, and in case of emergency, I performed vaginal deliveries and stabilized patients before transferring them to another hospital. In my role, I:

  • Instructed patients and families on medical diagnoses and treatment options.
  • Coordinated patient referrals with specialists for optimal continuity of care throughout the treatment process.
  • Instructed patients and families on medical diagnoses and treatment options.
  • Developed strong rapport with colleagues and staff members, promoting teamwork within the workplace environment.

Generalist Physician

Doctors of the World
Jeremie, Haiti
11.2010 - 09.2011
  • Cared for a broad range of adult and pediatric patients with high quality care and good bedside manner at an NGO cholera treatment center
  • Supervised other general physicians during the cholera outbreak
  • Performed daily patient rounds, developed and implemented care plans
  • Educated patients and families about their diagnoses, treatment options, and preventative measures

Seasonal Volunteer

Caritas - Haiti
07.2006 - 09.2008

Each summer vacation for three years, I volunteered for Caritas-Haiti in:

  • Assisted with special events, especially education and mobile clinics.
  • Maintained clean, neat, and operational facilities to serve program needs.
  • Represented the organization positively and professionally while providing the community with much-needed services.


Residency in General Surgery -

Mirebalais Teaching Hospital

Certificate in Emergency Medicine -

Mirebalais Teaching Hospital

Medical School -

Notre Dame University


  • Diagnostic Testing
  • First Aid
  • Airway management
  • Preventive Healthcare
  • Patient and Family Education
  • Interpersonal Communication
  • Advanced Trauma Life Support
  • Mass Casualty protocols
  • Injury Assessment and Prioritization
  • Prehospital Care


  • French, Fluent
  • Creole, Native
  • English, Advanced
  • Spanish, Conversational


  • Epidemiology of traumatic injuries presenting to an ED in Central Haiti: a retrospective cohort study., Rouhani SA, Eliacin HC, Edmond MC, Checkett KA, Rimpel L, Marsh RH., Emerg Med J., 07/01/19, 36, 7, 389-394
  • "I Am Half of a Person": Lived Experiences of Individuals Living With Ostomy After Surgery in Rural Haiti., Chery MJ, Henderson R, Dubique K, Camilus A, Eliacin HC, Pinard J, Toussaint E, Clisbee M., Qual Health Res., 02/08/24, 10.1177/10497323241229420


  • Certificate of academic excellence, October 2007, 2008
  • Roll of honor for the top 5 of the class, 2010


. Increasing the number of post op patients seen in clinic in 15 days, Quality Improvement Project, Heanry C Eliacin, Jeff Tesnor, Ramilez Venio Dupont, July 2017

· Epidemiology of traumatic injuries presenting to an ED in Central Haiti: a retrospective cohort study. Rouhani SA, Eliacin HC, Edmond MC, Checkett KA, Rimpel L, Marsh RH. Emerg Med J. 2019 Jul;36(7):389-394.

· Chery MJ, Henderson R, Dubique K, Camilus A, Eliacin HC, Pinard J, Toussaint E, Clisbee M. "I Am Half of a Person": Lived Experiences of Individuals Living With Ostomy After Surgery in Rural Haiti. Qual Health Res. 2024 Feb 8:10497323241229420.


FFI / Pediatric Surgery

Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Creteil
10.2022 - 08.2023

General Surgeon

Saint Nicolas Hospital
11.2020 - 12.2022

General Surgery Resident

Mirebalais University Hospital
10.2015 - 09.2020

Emergency Medicine Physician

Mirebalais Teaching Hospital
05.2013 - 09.2015


School Health Clinic
07.2012 - 05.2013

Consultant Physician

Ministry of Public Health and Population
06.2012 - 12.2012


Health Center Robillard
02.2012 - 06.2012

Generalist Physician

Doctors of the World
11.2010 - 09.2011

Seasonal Volunteer

Caritas - Haiti
07.2006 - 09.2008


Health Center Chambellan
01.2006 - 10.2011

Residency in General Surgery -

Mirebalais Teaching Hospital

Certificate in Emergency Medicine -

Mirebalais Teaching Hospital

Medical School -

Notre Dame University
Henry Claude Eliacin