A driven college graduate with clear attention to detail, a strong work ethic and a leader mindset.
Fraternity President, Alpha Sigma Phi Chapter Delta Nu. Oversee and advise all operations of other Officers, Lead chapter meetings and manage reports for the National Office, Organize philanthropy events for sexual assault awareness and veterans in need of housing, Raise over $1000 every academic year.
Using RNAi to investigate the function of Usp5, Dr. Jennifer Bandura (B.S., Ph.D.). Demonstrated how Drosophila melanogaster (fruit flies) are a valuable model organism that can be used to study a range of cellular and molecular processes, including the control of cell division. Gained first-hand experience in performing dissections on fly tissues, preparing those tissues for microscopy, and using the fluorescence microscope. Used RNA interference (RNAi) to reduce the function of a gene of interest (Usp5) to investigate its role in cell division.