Work History

Jacqueline Loerincs



Eager worker and fast learner ready and willing to assist fellow employees with job tasks. Handles various duties and assignments. Accustomed to multitasking and working quickly to meet challenging demands. Considered hardworking and reliable with great interpersonal skills.


years of professional experience

Work History

Software Quality Assurance Engineer

NASA Contractor - Bastion Technologies
10.2020 - 03.2022
  • Performed software quality control for various mission critical Artemis SLS ground/flight software tools which verified weather-based vehicle stressors fell within acceptable parameters necessary for day of launch determination.
  • Documented testing procedures used by SLS software developers in order to maintain quality assurance records verifying software performance and design compliance against NASA standards.
  • Worked directly with multiple software team leaders recommending software, testing, and documentation corrections to developers for optimal flight software quality and safety while also balancing the need for efficiency during the development process.

Software Engineering Associate

Las Cumbres Observatory
06.2019 - 03.2021
  • Designed an end-to-end global observatory image acquisition system which allowed users to operate remote LCO observatories, acquire image data, and access image processing tools - all through a web-based interface.
  • Utilized Vue.js to create a user friendly web-based front-end allowing remote networked access to observatory telescopes and imagers within the LCO network.
  • Utilized AWS and PostgreSQL to design a back-end system for the storage of LCO image data acquired by users.
  • Developed an API with accompanying endpoint testing in Python for the integration of our front-end and back-end systems.

Undergraduate Research Student

Colorado School Of Mines
08.2017 - 05.2018
  • Modeled the field of view geometry of sensors on the POEMMA spacecraft utilizing Root and MATLAB to maximize detection of high energy particles.
  • Verified expected sensor exposure times through the parallel development of spacecraft orbit and sensor orientation models.
  • Documented our team's findings and presented weekly updates to the research team in order to minimize methodology errors.

Space Navigation and Flight Dynamics Intern

Kinetx Aerospace
05.2014 - 08.2016
  • Developed a MATLAB software analysis suite for the visualization and examination of OSIRIS-REx asteroid navigation data.
  • Assisted in stellar image modeling and documentation of stellar navigation techniques for the New Horizons Spacecraft.
  • Documented software tool capabilities and prepared project presentations and reports to assist senior staff.

Undergraduate Research Assistant

National Radio Astronomy Observatory
01.2016 - 04.2016
  • Processed raw spectroscopic data acquired from a large-scale, optical, multi-epoch photometric survey of Orion star formation regions.
  • Standardized stellar spectra by comparing observatory image data to reference spectra by writing batch scripts utilizing astronomical analysis libraries (IRAF).
  • Conducted onsite acquisition of astronomical image data at the Cerro Tololo Observatory by setting exposure times and telescope path over the course of a week.
  • Documented and presented findings from our research at the 229th AAS conference.


Bachelor of Science - Engineering Physics

Colorado School of Mines
Golden, CO

High School Diploma -

Chatfield High School
Littleton, CO


Professional Working


Software Quality Assurance Engineer

NASA Contractor - Bastion Technologies
10.2020 - 03.2022

Software Engineering Associate

Las Cumbres Observatory
06.2019 - 03.2021

Undergraduate Research Student

Colorado School Of Mines
08.2017 - 05.2018

Undergraduate Research Assistant

National Radio Astronomy Observatory
01.2016 - 04.2016

Space Navigation and Flight Dynamics Intern

Kinetx Aerospace
05.2014 - 08.2016

Bachelor of Science - Engineering Physics

Colorado School of Mines

High School Diploma -

Chatfield High School
Jacqueline Loerincs