I have recently retired from a very successful and rewarding 39 year career in education. This has included serving in multiple roles as an educator. I am looking forward to continue to serve in the education field.
I served as the instructional leader of the school, was directly responsible for all professional development, directly supervised two assistant principals. I was directly responsible for the entire licensed and classified staff and the implementation of the district strategic plan. I conducted observation/evaluation and hiring of teachers, as well as a variety of building-wide committees and programs to enhance student achievement and safety. I implemented school wide discipline policies, introduced the Positive Behavior Intervention Support and No Place for Hate organizations.
I also facilitated a communication network between teachers, administrators, families, and other stakeholders in order to promote collaboration among all participants in the educational process. I believe this has contributed to our overall success as a building. Teachers enjoy teaching at Newton. Students love attending the school, and we have been embraced by our parents and community as a whole.
I served as the instructional leader of the school. Guided and directed all professional development, directly supervised two assistant principals and a dean of students. I supervised a staff of over 100 people and implemented the district strategic plan VISTA 2010. My responsibilities included the evaluation and hiring of teachers, as well as the supervision of a number of building committees. I also served on approximately 13 different district committees including the chair person of the long range facilities committee.
I served as the instructional leader, managed and directed all professional development for the staff and implemented curriculum to meet the specific needs of the alternative high school student. I directly supervised the Young Parenting Program which was a teen mother program that included a nursery for 40 babies between the ages of 3 months and 3 years old in order for their moms to attend and complete high school.
I assisted the principal in his mission/vision for the school, including instructional leadership, professional development, athletic directorship, observation, evaluation, and hiring of teachers. I also supervised all of the classified staff and developed and implemented the master schedule for 1,300 students.
Assisted the principal in his mission/vision for the school, was responsible for all discipline of a middle school 0f 1,850 students, served as the athletic director, supervised all classified staff and developed the master schedule and scheduling of individual students.
Served as an elementary counselor in Aurora Public Schools. Implemented district counseling program including small group, classroom and individual counseling services.
I served as the middle school counselor at Fitzimmons Middle School in the Platte Canyon School District. I implemented the district counseling program, along with small group and individual counseling responsibilities.
I served as the middle school counselor in Bennett Public Schools. I implemented the district counseling program along with individual and small group counseling responsibilities.
I taught 7th and 8th grade social studies and implemented the district social studies curriculum. I was also the varsity cross country coach, and I won a state cross country title. I was also named North Dakota Coach of the Year. This culminated with a visit and celebration with Billy Mills, Olympic Gold Medalist in the 10,000 meters.
I enjoy reading and continually continuing my education. I have been involved in coaching and several other activities outside of the school and professional community.
Professional Principal's License which expires in April of 2025, I will renew the license in October of 2024.
North Dakota Coach of the Year in 1985.
Runner up Counselor of the Year in Colorado, 1988.
Several CDE Awards for growth and achievement.
No Place For Hate Middle School of the year in 2017.
Professional Principal's License which expires in April of 2025, I will renew the license in October of 2024.