Accomplished PreK/Primary Teacher with expertise in early education, child development and collaborative teaching methods. Experienced in developing lesson plans to meet district and state standards. Confidently offers classroom instruction and personalized student support using balance of traditional and modern approaches. Dedicated to student safety and well-being.
Ready to expand knowledge from single classroom setting to open a school and share wealth of knowledge with other teachers and families using Montessori approach. Looking forward to the opportunity to allow children to explore their own limitless possibilities to learn and grow through independence and wonder in a safe, experience-rich environment with supportive teachers and materials.
*Conferred with administrative team on professional development opportunities for teachers and staff
*Observed classroom teachers to assist them in improving best practices in classroom instruction to increase student achievement
*Assist leadership in data analysis to design lessons for increasing performance on standardized assessments
*Provide training opportunities for teachers in writing grants to obtain much needed materials for classrooms and students
*Plan for budgeting funds allocated from performance pay and achievement based incentives