Performed routine health checks on wildlife to monitor their progress.
Educated the public on responsible wildlife practices.
Administered first-aid treatments.
Developed strategies for releasing rehabilitated animals back into their natural habitat safely.
Monitored birds for signs of stress or illness.
Cleaned and maintained bird enclosures, cages, and habitats.
Trained new volunteers on proper procedures for handling birds safely.
Monitored birds for signs of stress or illness and reported any issues to the supervisor.
Student Veterinary Internship
Michigan Humane
05.2022 - 08.2022
Responsible for intake exams for all dogs, cats, and rabbits seized by animal control.
Provided vaccinations and microchips to stray dogs and cats to maintain all health standards set forth by Michigan Humane.
Provided aid to all animals designated to the shelter medicine clinic.
Assisted Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in pre and post-surgeries and oversaw surgical operations.
Care Specialist
Michigan Animal Rescue League
05.2019 - 08.2019
Managed dairy care regimen, including providing daily meals, maintaining enclosures, and practicing routine checkups
Provided rescues with the opportunity to socialize with other animals in a controlled setting to prepare animals for their forever home.
Completed shelter-mandated training, which enabled me to take rescues on walks throughout the community while ensuring the safety of those surrounding me and providing much-needed exercise for the dogs.