I am a versatile nursing professional with valuable skilled nursing experience. Highly developed
organizational skills: accustomed to maintaining high productivity level with heavy workloads.
I am compassionate along with a patient advocate who demonstrates professionalism when
working with patients and their families. I maintain confidentiality with regards to patient care
and status. Licensed in the state of Illinois and Wisconsin and possess CPR certification. I am
also a Certified Registered Rehabilitation Nurse. (CRRN)
UW Health Hospital –Madison-RN
At UW hospital, I worked as a floor nurse on orthopedic and rehab floor. I performed all duties
of floor nursing including IV, NG, meds and trachs. On the rehab floor, majority of patients
were very complex, brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, strokes, multi trauma and medically
complex dialysis patients. I also would fill in as charge nurse and nurse liaison as PRN. EPIC
trained. I resigned due to moving.
Nurse Director-Eagle Hospital Physicians-RN
Eagle was a contracted company for the hospitalists at Swedish American Hospital in Rockford.
As a nurse director, I worked with the hospitalist physicians along with the hospital employees
to help facilitate discharges, talk with patients/families about plan of care, complete forms such
as; FMLA, home health forms, work notes, prior authorizations and encourage communication
between nurses and physicians; act as a resource to ease communication between hospital and
physicians. Expedite transfers to a higher level of care if needed. I was also on committees
within the hospital, review core measures, length of stays and re-admissions. I also helped with
new hire orientation of physicians and case managers within the hospital. I helped teach EPIC
to the hospitalist on hire. We used Meditech and EPIC programs.
Nurse Supervisor-Charge nurse-floor nurse-Liaison- VanMatre HealthSouth Rehab Hospital –
At VanMatre Rehabilitation Hospital, over 12 years, I went from floor nurse to supervisor. My
floor nurse assignments consisted of 8-10 patients including all wound care: wound vacs, lab
draws, meds, assessments, teaching, respiratory including trachs; Bi-paps/Cpaps. At VanMatre,
patients would stay for days to weeks, to get back home quickly; this is acute rehabilitation
hospital with multiple providers. These patients suffer from CVA’s, brain injuries, orthopedic
procedure and Neurologic disorders. In the supervisor role, I completed annual reviews,
scheduling, call ins, floor assignment , bed management, completing acute transfers for higher
level of care, codes or ERT’s, annual training/testing, committees and also helped as Liaison to
assess patients for qualifying admissions at all Rockford Hospitals and surrounding areas. I
completed pre-screens and prior authorizations. I learned different EPIC programs at the
hospitals and also became a CRRN(Certified Registered Rehabilitation Nurse)
Float Pool RN-Rockford Health System Clinics-RN
As a float RN within the clinics, I learned a lot. I floated in all clinics including PEDS and
adult. I performed EKG’s, labs, vaccines, physical’s, eye exams, procedure set up for the
providers, scheduling tests, calling in RX, discharge paperwork/teaching, call backs to patients,
setting up appts/making referrals and getting prior authorizations.
Rockford Memorial Hospital- E4 Cardiac-RN
I learned ACLS, EKG reading, along with cardioversions at bedside, codes, open heart patients
and time management skills. This floor is very fast paced with acutely ill patients. Daily duties
were multiple critical patients, admits/ discharges, medications, assessments, training,
communicating with multiple physicians throughout day.