Skilled individual with 4 years in wastewater project upgrades and 12 years of construction transportation experience. Also, a Certified construction technician by INDOT. Competent Utility Inspector well-versed in applying local and state codes fairly to all utility construction projects. Dedicated and hardworking team player with excellent verbal and written communication skills. Prepared to bring 16 years of experience in field to diverse utility projects am seeking a position in Construction Inspection or Construction Management
Jobs with the City of Fort Wayne in PMIS
· City Utilities Engineering Department : CITY OF FORT WAYNE
Pierson Drain Improvements Phase I : CONTRACT/RESOLUTION NUMBER 83610
Installation of 780 LF of 36-inch sanitary sewer piping, 480 LF of 8-inch sanitary sewer piping, 438 LF of a
12-foot x 4-foot stormwater concrete box culvert, and excavation of new a flow channel, installation of
flexamat, and connection to Pierson Drain. Final restoration of the project site including street and yard
· City Utilities Engineering Department : CITY OF FORT WAYNE
Water Main Replacement - Reed Rd., Old Maysville Rd., Lake Ave. : CONTRACT/RESOLUTION NO. 67019
Water Main Replacement including 1,200 LF of 6" HDPE, 300 LF of 12" HDPE, and 300' of 16" HDPE and all.
associated water appuretenances. Water main shall be installed through horizontal directional drill methods.
· City Utilities Engineering Department : CITY OF FORT WAYNE
Eagle Rock Sec IV Sanitary and Water developer job : CONTRACT/RESOLUTION NO. 77266 & 67398
This was a developer Job in a new part of the addition installing water main, fire hydrants, valves, curb stops and service lines for water everything was GPS in elevations were taken with GPS . Lines were tested and passed.
Installing deep sewer line with sewer taps and serves. Manholes structures everything was GPS in elevations were taken with GPS. Lines and structures were tested.
· City Utilities Engineering Department : CITY OF FORT WAYNE
Schaab Riverfront Plaza Sanitary Sewer Re-Route Plans : 77286 - (1216 N. Harrison Street)
250-feet of Sanitary Sewer pipe and 4 Structures , Air testing on the line and vacuum testing on the structures.
8th St Bridge in Anderson, IN, New bridge on the Monon Trail over SR 32, Westfield, IN