Highly ambitious Tire Sales Manager with background in sales, marketing and advertising. Top producing sales professional and experienced in the automotive industry. Dynamic communicator who consistently exceeds goals and company expectations.
Started Road Runner Mobile Tire when i was 21 in odessa TX with a service truck and 4 tires. Managed to generate 49K in sales in 4 months. I simply started by advertising free on social media and going to truck stops and trying to sell the 4 tires I had, which were 2 11r 22.5 and 2 11r 24.5 all positions. I was going all over west texas spreading cards and sleeping at truck stops, and after a few weeks of doing this I managed to score some sales and a few service calls from leaving cards on truck windows. I was able to get a clientele going and manged to get an account which at the time was the fastest growing sand hauling company in odessa Amerifield and Halliburton.
Once 2018 was over in 2019 I had my clientele and routine service and sales for my few commercial accounts which was more than plenty of work for me. I did sales in supersingles, low pros. 11Rs, 17.5, 19.5 and skid steer and small tractor tires. I would do anything from replace or repair and provided complete mobile install and roadside assistance. I ended the year with 112k revenue with one service trucks and myself doing the sales and service.
2020 consisted of the same thing, advertising and following up with client and hitting sales goals. As demand increased for service I decided to add another fleet and tech, had 2 service trucks now selling and servicing semi and trailer tires in west texas. Amerfield was bought out and we were offered the tire service contract in their new yard in Shreveport LA, so I sent one truck and tech to handle account which consisted of 200 fleets to service. Finished the year with 250k in revenue.
By the end of 2020 my biggest account went bankrupt and decided to come to okc where the market is thriving and close to home. I have built a good reputation and am still selling and servicing tires but and ready for a change from being a business owner.
2021 168K IN SALES
2022 112 IN SALES
2023 125k projected
I have understood after trying to run my own business and have found out my biggest strength is with people, I enjoy solving their tire problems, find a great deal for their fleets and close sales and not have to continue the stress of operating and servicing the tires. My body has taken much abuse from working on call, fixing and mounting semi tires and on top do the sales, invoicing and advertising. I truly believe if given the right tools and team I cam contribute from day one. From continuing to strength relationships and getting more customers, provided excellent customer service, grow the hispanic cliental, go check on customer or potential leads and can start moving tires from day one.
This was my first job in high school working for my dads side business. This is where I was trained on basic automotive skills and learning work ethic. After school I would start at 5:30 pm until 9 PM Mon-Fri and 8AM to noon on saturdays. I would make sure bay was clean, tools were well organized and pretty much did any and everything that was asked of me. Which included oil changes, tire repairs, tire changing and balancing, shop clean up and from time to time start helping with quotes and sales. Working here with my dad and learning abut tires and people I like to say. I learned how to value and retain customers, how to sell in a low pressure high integrity method and was introduced on how to make profit from servicing and selling commercial tires. Specifically semi tires, trailer tires and oil field equipment tires.
Things I did on a daily basis