Multi-talented Safety professional offers 10 years conducting inspections, leading training and contributing to safety audits. Excellent planning, problem-solving and conflict management skills. Focused on maximizing worker safety with a hands-on and proactive approach.
· Expertly conducted 50 safety inspections on the 2 eye wash stations, 2 emergency alarms, and 4 fire extinguishers.
· Conducted 30 weekly Code Red fire evacuation protocol trainings which guaranteed proper use of fire extinguishing equipment, and adherence to clinical safety evacuation protocols.
· Ensured the safety of fellow staff members by maintaining a 95% compliance for ESAMS safety trainings. As a result of the high compliance percentage, there were zero incidents within the clinic, and zero discrepancies being noted on all Safety, Infection Control inspections and Joint Commission Hospital inspection 2022 which solidified the environmentally friendly culture of the Hospital.
· Assisted in the Joint Commission (Hospital Evaluation) pre-inspection of 270 rooms within 4 Clinics. Discovered more than 200 preventable safety discrepancies that were immediately corrected which directly resulted in the successful completion of the Joint Commission Survey 2022 for each Clinic.
Dermatology Clinic HAZMAT Program Manager
· Managed and maintained all instructional updates of the clinical Safety Data Sheet which contained over 100 types of Hazardous Material.
· Inventoried 46 hazardous materials worth over $17,000, and properly disposed over 50 gallons of biohazardous materials according to local OSHA guidance.
· Trained 25 staff members on the proper stowage, disposal, and usage of all HAZMAT within the Clinic.
Conducted 20 departmental inspections on 400 clinical spaces, correcting 600 deficiencies which cultivated a safe hospital work environment.
· Safety Zone Program Manager-responsible for 20 departmental areas. Guided five 8 staff personnel through 60 safety inspections. Due to an expert knowledge and a workhorse work ethic, the department continually passed all Inspection with minimum discrepancies noted.
· Hearing Conservation Program Assistant- assisted in the training of 500 staff personnel enrolled in the hearing conservation program. Training topics included the proper wear of PPE while in areas with continuous noise levels over a certain decibel. In addition, managed the annual audiograms compliance which ensured proper treatments are rendered in case of significant threshold shifts.
· Sight, Respiratory conservation Program Assistant- managed the records of eye exams and respiratory fit tests for 300 staff members. Additionally, provided training on the proper wear of PPE while working work in environments that requires the wear.
· Heat Stress Safety Manager Assistant- trained 500 staff members on all Heat injury signs, symptoms, and treatment.
· Inspected all room temperature thermometers throughout the ship to ensure temperature doesn’t exceed danger levels, and that staff don’t transcend allowed working hours in a hot environment.