Union Plumber in the San Francisco area since 2006 and have worked on projects that include The Sales Force Tower, The San Quentin State Prison Healthcare Facility, The San Francisco Cruise Terminal at Pier 27, as well as many residential projects from 90-unit apartment buildings to 300 plus unit condominium complexes throughout San Francisco. Worked on plumbing crews as large as 50 men and as small as 2 plumbers and have experience dealing with co-workers in many different scenarios. Background working on intricate water reclamation and filtration systems, large waste systems and domestic water systems for major high-rise buildings as well as small tenant improvement jobs in older buildings throughout San Francisco.
Prior to 2006 rough and finish carpenter throughout the San Francisco area. Worked on small house remodels as well as large residential additions, Worked in a variety of tasks on large apartment and condominium projects where gaining a variety of skills, and worked in many situations that created an efficient and contentious carpenter and worker in general.
After working many years doing various carpentry work, I started an apprenticeship program with UA Local 38 in San Francisco. I spent 5 years in this program and graduated in 2011 as a Journeyman plumber. I learned many skills while an apprentice and as a journeyman, including:
I worked both full and part time with family owned remodel and new construction company, Tarrant Group. From 1990 thru till 2006. During those years I preformed duties that included: