Work History
Military Intelligence Training

Josiah Rodriguez



Initiative-driven all-source intelligence analyst with 8+ years of experience ranging from tactical-level intelligence assessments on asymmetric and near-peer threats to executive intelligence briefs at the Pentagon for senior Department of the Navy policymakers. Extensive experience in intelligence briefing, skilled in intelligence writing, databases, structured analytic techniques, customer service, and joint-interagency collaboration.


years of professional experience

Work History

Intelligence Analyst

USMC - Executive Support Section
Pentagon, Washington D.C., VA
07.2021 - Current
  • Led the production of and presented 40 all-source intelligence briefs to the Secretary, Undersecretary, and Deputy Secretaries of the Navy, Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC), and Deputy Commandants that informed future naval policies, acquisitions, and investments based on emerging adversary trends and technologies.
  • Led the production of 25 time-sensitive requests for information across a broad range of intelligence topics for executive leaders that resulted in decision advantage on future policy and force requirements.
  • Collaborated with 4 Intelligence Community partners and 4 service intelligence sections on weekly intelligence briefs that resulted in accurate, digestible analytic lines on complex, strategic problem sets for senior Department of the Navy policy makers.
  • Published and disseminated all the section’s intelligence products on the MCISRE Knowledge Gateway (MKG), and Marine Corps highpoint page for accessibility to intelligence sections across the globe.

Intelligence Specialist

USMC - 1st Marine Division G2
Camp Pendleton, CA
12.2020 - 07.2021
  • Supervised 12 Marines in the production of intelligence preparation of the battlespace placemats in support of the MEFEX-21 planning process which enabled staff sections to better understand the potential operating environment and order of battle threat posed by a near-peer level threat
  • Led real-time battle tracking and analysis of an unscripted, regiment-sized adversary force in the 1st MARDIV Commanding General’s (CG) area of operations through the production and presentation of 25 intelligence update briefs that enabled the CG to make informed decisions during periods of uncertainty in MAGTF WARFIGHTING EXERCISE 3-21
  • Collaborated with intelligence subject matter experts across the Marine Corps and joint force during a 1st MARDIV contingency planning conference which helped ensure the reliability of staff estimates and the realism of COA wargaming.

Intelligence Specialist

USMC - 5th Marine Regiment S2
Camp Pendleton, CA
11.2020 - 12.2020
  • Supervised and quality controlled the production of 1 intelligence preparation of the battlespace product, 1 Annex-B, and 3 collections requests that improved the commander’s situational awareness and enhanced future regimental collections before 1 named regimental training exercise
  • Produced and briefed 10 daily commander’s update briefs and 8 daily intelligence summaries that enhanced the commander’s understanding of a fluid battlefield environment during 1 named regimental training exercise
  • Led weekly intelligence training classes for 3 junior intelligence Marines on ICD 203, and emerging adversarial trends in the Middle East that resulted in improved performance and confidence from junior Marines in the completion of daily tasks throughout the regimental training exercise.

Intelligence Specialist

USMC - 1st Battalion, 5th Marines S2
Camp Pendleton, CA
01.2017 - 11.2020
  • Produced and presented 210 intelligence briefs and 20 intelligence preparation of the battlespace products for the 15th and 31st Marine Expeditionary Units during 18 named battalion exercises, and 2 joint-bilateral exercises, that resulted in improved situational awareness and decision making for commanders
  • Presented 4 threat briefs supporting the 15th MEU’s transit through the Strait of Hormuz and Bab al-Mandeb, and in support of defeat-ISIS operations in the middle east which was instrumental in ensuring relevant stakeholders were kept abreast of pertinent threats
  • Operated 1 fixed-wing and 2 VTOL SUAS platforms for a combined total of 20 day/night flight hours that provided ISR of enemy forces and battle damage assessments that factored into battalion intelligence assessments and enhanced situational awareness of dynamic battlefield events for the commander.

Intelligence Analyst

Joint Task Force Indo-Pacific, Special Operations Command-Pacific
01.2020 - 06.2020
  • Collaborated with 7 Intelligence Community partners and 3 service intelligence sections on the refinement of 5 named areas of interest, the production of 4 finished intelligence products, and 2 actionable intelligence briefs that influenced key policy decisions made by the Commanding General during 5 named joint operations
  • Analyzed raw open-source data, and intelligence information derived from multiple databases to provide indications and warning, post-mission analysis, and intelligence summaries for 811 interagency personnel worldwide
  • Published 37 intelligence report evaluations and co-authored 1 source-directed requirement that drove future Department of Defense intelligence collections and operations in the Indo-Pacific.


Intelligence Fundamentals Professional Certification -


High School Diploma -

Anderson Preparatory Academy


  • TS//SCI Clearance
  • Critical Thinking
  • Intelligence Writing
  • Initiative
  • Joint-Interagency Collaboration
  • Adaptability
  • Intelligence Databases
  • Briefing Skills
  • Customer Service

Military Intelligence Training

  • Compass Learning - Realities of Iran Course, 05/2024
  • DIA - Military Capabilities Analysis Course, 04/2024
  • Joint Knowledge Online - Joint Intelligence Course, 02/2024
  • USMC - 4208 MAGTF Intelligence Analysis Career Course, 06/2022
  • USMC - 4207 MAGTF Intelligence Specialist Course, 01/2017


Intelligence Analyst

USMC - Executive Support Section
07.2021 - Current

Intelligence Specialist

USMC - 1st Marine Division G2
12.2020 - 07.2021

Intelligence Specialist

USMC - 5th Marine Regiment S2
11.2020 - 12.2020

Intelligence Analyst

Joint Task Force Indo-Pacific, Special Operations Command-Pacific
01.2020 - 06.2020

Intelligence Specialist

USMC - 1st Battalion, 5th Marines S2
01.2017 - 11.2020

Intelligence Fundamentals Professional Certification -

High School Diploma -

Anderson Preparatory Academy
Josiah Rodriguez