A highly motivated educator with over 20 years of experience who has attained results through providing an interactive atmosphere conducive to stimulation and interchange of ideas; is driven by a passion for change and demonstrates a strong power for enumerating procedures for implementing and administering written policies. Is not afraid of a challenge or venturing into the unknown to succeed in a rapidly changing society.
co-curricular activities, parent-based activities, meetings and helping students to discover their talents in competitions.
• Presented monthly report to staff, parents and school board representatives in staff meetings, parents teachers meetings and board meetings
• Present action plan for senior post of responsibility at annual staff retreat
September 1999 – January 1, 2023- SUPERVISISON SENIOR TEACHER III
Job title – Grade 12/13 Coordinator, Events/Functions Coordinator
As the Sixth Form Coordinator my roles and responsibilities were as follows:
• Recruit students externally and internally to join the Sixth form Program.
• Conduct recruitment fairs, create brochures, and visit locations to promote aspects of Sixth Form Program
• Having responsibility for the overall pastoral care of all the students of Grades 12-13, ensuring that all the school’s routine and school regulations are being followed by the entire Grades 12-13 student body.
• Supervises and assists class (or form) teachers in their work with students.
• Deal with problems of discipline
• Supervise the preparation of records and reports and ensure that they are properly done. • Substitute the classroom teachers in time of illness etc. in class direction duties. (e.g., attendance records)
• Organize and plan programs for the personal and social development for the age group in consultation with Class/Form Teacher, Vice Principal and Principal
• Liaise with the administration concerning matters pertaining to the age group-academic/social.
• Prepare analysis and reports as related to each external examination.
• Handle all queries as related to each external examination.
As Events and Activities Coordinator my roles and responsibilities were as follows:
• Collate, in consultation with the school’s administration, a schedule of activities for each academic year
• Supervise departments in planning and procurement in preparation of any activity or function.
• Plan and co-ordinate activities for staff entertainment and socialization at least once per term.
• Co-ordinate Graduations, Award Banquets, Meeting for Directors, Annual Prize-Giving functions.
• Plan and organize Fun Days for students at least once per year where approved. • Coordinate an Annual Open Day in conjunction with Heads of Departments, to highlight students’ work and displays through departments and clubs.
• Liaise with the Board of Management in planning appropriate recognition of staff on during staff awards ceremony each year