Reliable Engineering Intern adept at working as part of successful team. Dedicated to safety and well-versed in regulations and procedures. My goal is to gain insight and experience into the field and disciplines of Electrical Engineering through real world experiences.
Robotics Club of Central Florida, Lab Manager, [2023 - Present] : My responsibilities as lab manager included maintaining the lab inventory, monitoring the conditions of our tools, overseeing safety procedures for all members, and assisting with special projects as assigned by the President.
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, [2022 - Present] : Workshops
Electrical Propulsion Boat Team: Robotic Club of Central Florida [2023-Present]
• Propulsion Team Lead: Lead my sub-team in the research, development and assembly of electrical propulsion methods capable of achieving 255N of thrust at 7.8 m/s, through the use of our mathematical models. As well as conveyed progress updates to other team leads and race coordinators.
Great Navel Orange Race Autonomous Boat: University of Central Florida [2022-2023]
• Electrical Team Lead: Worked as a part of a 4 man team to research and assemble the electrical and software components of an autonomous boat cable to travel a set 370 foot route in under 90 seconds while transporting an oranges.
References and recommendation letters available upon request