Emerson Hospital Emergency Department, Concord, Massachusetts, 01/01/23 - 04/30/23, Given oral and intravenous medications, as well as intramuscular injections, Primed tubing and given IV push, Assessed pediatric patients for respiratory distress, instructed on determining the interventions needed to be implemented, Practiced therapeutic communication and distraction techniques with pediatric patients, adult patients, and their family members, Practiced initiating intravenous access, Sepsis screening and introduced use of cultures, CVA assessment, CT scan imaging, and universal protocol, Instructed on prioritizing interventions based on client’s needs and vital signs, Prioritizing clients during initial assessment in triage, Practiced focused assessments on a variety of systems, Assessed for change in mental/overall health status, Instructed on blood tubes and their indications, including what each evaluates, Assessed fluid specimens, CBC, electrolyte imbalances, and metabolic panels, Performed straight catheterization and maintaining a sterile field, Observed a paracentesis, collecting ascites fluid specimen with use of an ultrasound, Performed COVID-19 testing, Observed a nurse’s role during a code brought in by ambulance and the interventions needed, Observed drug overdose complications and their antidotes or treatment, Observed a central line placement, Exposed to medical emergencies necessary for med flight emergency services, Experienced the nursing care and case management with mental health patients, Educated on intended use of medications and their adverse effects, including high risk medications, Observed transcutaneous pacing, Experienced the nursing care of gestational clients with fetal heart rate monitoring and administered Rhogam, Administered rabies prophylaxis treatment