Work History
Cahn Fellow, 2023

Katherine Welsh



Enthusiastic leader with deep instructional knowledge and strong communication skills. Cultivates trusting and productive relationships with students, parents, teachers and community partners. Develops systems and structures to promote ongoing improvement in schools and within teams.


years of professional experience

Work History


Ellen Mitchell Elementary School
08.2018 - Current
  • Received ISBE Exemplary Status 2024
  • Nominated for Golden Apple Leadership Award 2025
  • Meets regularly with teacher teams to create and implement a cycle of continuous improvement aligned to the CIWP priority; Small Group Reading Instruction
  • Facilitates the work of the Instructional Leadership Team (ILT) to lead staff wide analysis of culturally-sustaining pedagogy across Mitchell School
  • In collaboration with the ELPT, leads improvement efforts within the Bilingual Program Model to ensure students receive high quality Bilingual services in alignment to their English proficiency levels
  • Facilitates the REACH process for all teachers and ESPs
  • Facilitates ongoing improvements to the special education department by appropriately providing students services in their least restrictive environment
  • Facilitates instructional schedule audits to ensure consistency of content and cohesion across grade levels is consistent and grounded in up to date educational research around time on task
  • Supports teachers individual professional development plans by providing coaching and high quality professional development opportunities across the city
  • Supports the facilitation of the development of an MTSS Team with a heightened focus on Tier 1-3 academic and behavioral supports
  • Leads improvement efforts around student disciplinary procedures at Mitchell; prioritizing the Students Bill of Rights and a restorative approach to behavior modification
  • Manages community partnerships with over 15 outside agencies including Ballad, Hubbard Street Dance, Old Town School of Folk Music, Facing History and Ourselves, Right at School, Bucktown Music, Music Education Services, Debate it Forward, Second City, the Gust Foundation, Chicago Literacy Group, Pilot Light and Open Books
  • Works diligently with parents and community members to strengthen their partnership with Mitchell School
  • Collaborates with the counselor to support students through the high school selection process
  • Manages the school budget maximizing resources prioritizing student learning
  • Facilitates operational and capital improvements including a large-scale facility improvement project involving an addition of a new bathroom, new playground, new roofing structure and new windows
  • Collaborates with partner funding sources, Friends of Mitchell
  • Collaborates with the Local School Council (LSC) to provide updates and feedback around school priorities and budget
  • Prioritizes student safety by revamping school wide protocols for entry/exit, parent/community volunteerism and after school programming structures
  • Performs classroom evaluations to assess teacher strategies and effectiveness.
  • Fosters a positive learning environment by promoting open communication among staff, students, and parents.
  • Manages budgets and resources efficiently to ensure optimal allocation of funds for school programs and initiatives.
  • Leads school improvement efforts by setting clear expectations for staff performance and providing regular feedback on progress towards goals.
  • Develops strong relationships with stakeholders to foster trust, collaboration, and commitment to shared goals.
  • Administers personnel policies and procedures and approved professional staff additions.
  • Increases teacher effectiveness through comprehensive coaching, professional development opportunities, and mentorship programs.
  • Mentors newly hired educators and provided encouragement and feedback.
  • Promotes diversity within the school community through inclusive policies, programming, and recruitment efforts.
  • Enhances school performance by implementing strategic plans and collaborating with fellow administrators.
  • Streamlines school operations by evaluating processes and procedures, identifying inefficiencies, and recommending improvements.
  • Communicates policies and procedures to students and parents regarding student behavior.
  • Champions technology integration in classrooms to increase efficiency in lesson delivery while also preparing students for the digital age.
  • Evaluates curriculum materials for alignment with state standards, ensuring consistency across grade levels and subject areas.
  • Cultivates partnerships with community organizations to provide additional resources and support for students in need.
  • Spearheads successful grant applications leading to increased funding for various school initiatives.
  • Led transition to remote learning during unprecedented times, ensuring minimal disruption to education.

Assistant Principal-Ravenswood Elementary School

Chicago Public Schools
07.2016 - 08.2018
  • Co-leads instructional improvements resulting in an increase in student achievement on NWEA, leading to a School Quality Rating of 4.9 for the 2017 school year, 2nd highest in CPS
  • 2017-Reading percentile growth increased from 76% to 92% for African American priority group
  • 2017-Math percentile growth increased from 68% to 97% for Hispanic priority group
  • 2017-Math percentile growth increased from 32% to 95% for Diverse Learner priority group
  • Coaches teachers in culturally responsive teaching practices with a focus on racial equity
  • Increases teacher capacity in the areas of Balance Literacy, Mathematical Workshop model, technology integration, data driven instruction, Universal Design for Learning, Understanding by Design unit planning, co-teaching practices and English language development
  • Facilitates MTSS with a heightened focus on Tier 1-3 academic and behavioral supports
  • Fosters teacher leadership development through the work of the ILT and its' data-driven instructional cycles
  • Monitors a teacher innovation scholarship to promote personalized learning opportunities for teachers
  • Facilitates staff development in following topics; Race and Equity through Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices, Thinking and Cognitive Demand, Purposeful Play in the Primary Years, Arts Integration and Inquiry
  • Co-facilitates the REACH process for all teachers and ESPS
  • Facilitates ongoing improvements to the special education department by appropriately providing students services in their least restrictive environment
  • Leads Ravenswood's Positive Discipline implementation
  • Facilitates a restorative approach to student discipline resulting in a reduction of misconducts/suspensions and an improved school culture
  • Manages community partnerships with over 15 outside agencies including Gust Foundation, Old Town School of Folk Music, Youth Guidance, Facing History and Ourselves, North Center Chamber of Commerce, Urban Initiatives and Columbia College Arts Programming
  • Co-manages the school budget maximizing resources prioritizing student learning
  • Co-facilitates operational and capital improvements
  • Co-manages partner funding sources, Friends of Ravenswood
  • Collaborates with the Local School Council (LSC) to provide updates and feedback around school priorities

Assistant Principal-Jenner Academy of the Arts

Chicago Public Schools
03.2015 - 07.2016
  • Led instructional improvements for PreK-8th grade resulting in an increase in student achievement on NWEA, increasing SQRP results from level 2 to level 2+ in one year
  • Facilitated Balanced Literacy CCSS implementation (K-8th grade) with an emphasis on Fountas and Pinnell's Guided Reading and Leveled Literacy Interventions
  • Facilitated the development of the ILT and its' data-driven instructional cycles
  • Ensured students were provided services in their least restrictive environment and helped families understand their rights in the IEP process
  • Co-facilitated the REACH process for all teachers and ESPS while providing ongoing coaching feedback regularly outside of the evaluation cycle
  • Implemented MTSS with a focus on Tier 1-3 behavioral supports for all students
  • Co-led Jenner's Responsive Classroom implementation efforts ensuring a safe and supportive school environment for all learners
  • Instituted a Community Tot Room, bringing in families of non-school aged community members improving neighborhood relations
  • Managed community partnerships with over 10 outside agencies including Gust Foundation, Old Town School of Folk Music, Near North Unity Project, LaSalle Street Church, Urban Initiatives, DePaul Counseling, Sinai Temple, Blessings in a Backpack, Art Therapy Connections, Chicago Philharmonics, Dynamic Dance, Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum, By the Hand, Chicago Park District: Seward Park
  • Instituted a restorative approach to student discipline resulting in a reduction of misconducts/suspensions and an improved school culture positively impacting students school experiences as measured by the My School My Voice Surveys
  • Co-managed the school budget to maximizing resources while prioritizing student learning
  • Co-facilitated ongoing operational and capital improvements to better support students and community
  • Led efforts to transform Jenner's half-day Head Start Program to a full day program allowing for an increase of instructional time by 4 hours

Deputy Chief of Instructional Supports for the Office of Diverse Learners

Chicago Public Schools
07.2013 - 03.2015
  • Led instructional improvements across for all students with IEPs and 504s (65,000 students serviced in 644 schools) across all LRE categories
  • Led improvements in professional development for teachers, related service providers and administrators on various topics (including Multi-tiered Systems of Support, Common Core-aligned IEP goal writing, Co-Teaching Practices, Universal Design for Learning and Dynamic Learning Maps)
  • Facilitated a large scale office transformation impacting 150 employees, resulting in a more strategic alignment of resources across the district
  • Collaborated with multiple district-level offices to ensure the services were provided for students with diverse needs across all CPS Public and Charter Schools in Chicago
  • Implemented a results-driven performance management system across the Office of Diverse Learners
  • Supported the REACH evaluations for all related service providers and learning behavior specialists
  • Collaborated with the Office of Talent Acquisition and various university partners to develop a multi-year strategy to increase the number of Bilingual Special Education teachers in CPS

ISL leading to Deputy Chief of Elementary Schools-Pilsen/Little Village Network

Chicago Public Schools
07.2010 - 07.2013
  • PLV Network had an 18-pt increase in the percent of students in grades 1 & 2 reading at or above grade level, as measured by TRC and a 5-pt increase in the percent of students' reading attainment as measured by NWEA
  • From BOY to EOY, the Network had a 3-pt increase in students scoring at or above grade level in Math as measured by NWEA
  • From BOY to EOY, 61% of students in grades 3-8 met their growth targets in Reading and 60% of students met their growth targets in Math as measured by NWEA
  • Led instructional improvements across a Network of 26, K-8 schools with 17,000 students (92% low-income, 40% English Language Learners, 96% Latino and 13% special education)
  • Developed school leaders through monthly Principal Network Meetings and individual coaching-focused on improving pedagogy and implementing Common Core State Standards
  • Identified, recruited and engaged in the selection of new principals that were collaborative, results-orientated and committed to equity and excellence
  • Worked with school leaders and their ILTS to assess the needs of their schools, developing a theory of action through the CIWP process
  • Allocated Network coaching and fiscal resources (co-managing a team of 13 staff members) providing differentiated support to schools while monitoring to increase school effectiveness
  • Fostered meaningful relationships with families and community partners
  • Partnered with the Chief Elementary Officer and Instructional Support Leaders (ISLs) to provide targeted feedback to school leaders around Network strategic initiatives
  • Consulted Principals across the PLV Network budgetary decisions for the upcoming school year
  • Developed a hiring process to screen and select Network ISLs targeting support in literacy, EL support, math and Special Education supports
  • Trained ILTs in developing cycles of inquiry focused on sound pedagogy and Common Core implementation
  • Assisted school leaders with schedule development maximizing time for literacy, English Language Development, intervention and acceleration aligned to full school day priorities
  • Developed and led professional development for ILTS on targeted learning walks; modeling best practices in literacy; examining student thinking and tasks using the Depths of Knowledge; collaborating across the Network to improve, Guided Reading, Writer's Workshop, Bilingual program models and standards-based planning using Common Core State Standards
  • Designed and led 10-week courses for teachers on Fisher's principles of Gradual Release of Responsibility focusing on the shifts called for by Common Core State Standards implementation

P-5 Literacy Coach- Lloyd Elementary

Chicago Public Schools
07.2009 - 07.2010
  • Coached over 65 teachers in implementing the Daily 5, Guided Reading based on Fountas and Pinnell's structure for differentiated small group instruction and Lucy Calkin's Writing Workshop resulting in a 7-point Reading gain in ISAT from 2008-2010
  • 95% of teachers indicated that their knowledge increased significantly on each topic and 75% of teachers showed evidence of implementing these practices in the classroom, based on classroom observations
  • Created internal systems of shared accountability through goal-setting and data analysis fostering sustained teacher improvement
  • Facilitated the Instructional Leadership Team on improving their facilitation skills as leaders at their grade levels (PreK-5)
  • Facilitated home/school connections by training over 500 parents/guardians in the research-based pedagogy

District Literacy Coach-Area 4

Chicago Public Schools
07.2008 - 07.2009
  • Led walk-throughs with administrators throughout Area 4 using Targeted Learning Walks and Elmore Rounds
  • Facilitated district-wide Writing Teacher Leader professional development
  • Coached Goethe Elementary School in Targeted Leadership Consultants' Instructional Leadership Framework for school improvement
  • Provided instructional support to administrators, literacy coaches, teachers and parents around the components of balanced literacy, specifically Reading and Writing Workshop resulting in a 3-point ISAT composite gain Area-wide

Middle School Literacy Coach-Ames Middle School

Chicago Public Schools
07.2005 - 07.2008
  • Coached 40 teachers honing best practices in literacy across all content areas, resulting in a 16-point increase in ISAT composite scores and a 13-point increase in ISAT Reading over 3 years
  • Presented at conferences on various instructional topics, including the International Reading Association, Illinois Reading Council, Rochelle Lee Fund, Young Adult Literacy, and Facing History and Ourselves'
  • Conducted action research at the school level on various instructional strategies
  • Acted as school testing coordinator organizing the administration of ISAT, Explore and Chicago Benchmark Assessments
  • Coordinated AVID implementation school-wide

5th Grade Teacher Leader-Stowe Elementary

Chicago Public Schools
07.2003 - 07.2005
  • Developed and implemented units of study in all core subject areas for students with diverse needs
  • Differentiated standards-based instruction with the support of Open Court, Math Trailblazers, Lucy Calkin's Writer's Workshop and quality authentic children's literature and informational text

3rd and 6th Grade Teacher Leader

Archdiocese of Boston, St. Andrews the Apostle
07.2001 - 07.2003
  • Planned and delivered instruction for students based on diverse needs, utilizing quarterly data from diagnostic and interim assessments
  • Organized curriculum nights for parents and community members


M.A - Educational Leadership, Administration and Supervision

Roosevelt University Graduate School of Education
Chicago, IL

M.A - Reading

Northeastern Illinois University

B.A - Elementary Education and Human Development

Boston College

Loyola University
Chicago, IL

Chestnut, MA



  • Bilingual program models
  • Inclusive practices
  • Diverse Learner supports
  • Community engagement
  • CPS operations
  • Campus safety and security
  • Universal Design for Learning


  • Illinois Type 03 Kindergarten-9th Grade: 2132989
  • Illinois Type 10 Kindergarten-12th Grade: 2263381
  • Illinois Type 75 Administrative: 2379176


  • Chicago Principals and Administrators Association, Presenter: Principals as Instructional Coaches, 2013.
  • Targeted Leadership Consultants-Instructional Coach for Area 4 and Pilsen-Little Village Network, 2008-2013.
  • Columbia University's Teachers' College Coaching and Whole School Reform Institute, Presenter 2009.
  • Columbia University's Teachers' College Writing Institute, 2008.
  • Instructional Coach Trainer-New Teacher Center, UC Santa Cruz, 2008-2009.
  • Facing History and Ourselves, professional development provider, 2005-2009.

Cahn Fellow, 2023

Cahn Fellowship provides advanced leadership development and recognition in large metropolitan areas to strong, talented school leaders to improve public education.  Published Cahn Leadership Project: Value Centered Interconnectedness at Mitchell



Ellen Mitchell Elementary School
08.2018 - Current

Assistant Principal-Ravenswood Elementary School

Chicago Public Schools
07.2016 - 08.2018

Assistant Principal-Jenner Academy of the Arts

Chicago Public Schools
03.2015 - 07.2016

Deputy Chief of Instructional Supports for the Office of Diverse Learners

Chicago Public Schools
07.2013 - 03.2015

ISL leading to Deputy Chief of Elementary Schools-Pilsen/Little Village Network

Chicago Public Schools
07.2010 - 07.2013

P-5 Literacy Coach- Lloyd Elementary

Chicago Public Schools
07.2009 - 07.2010

District Literacy Coach-Area 4

Chicago Public Schools
07.2008 - 07.2009

Middle School Literacy Coach-Ames Middle School

Chicago Public Schools
07.2005 - 07.2008

5th Grade Teacher Leader-Stowe Elementary

Chicago Public Schools
07.2003 - 07.2005

3rd and 6th Grade Teacher Leader

Archdiocese of Boston, St. Andrews the Apostle
07.2001 - 07.2003

M.A - Reading

Northeastern Illinois University

B.A - Elementary Education and Human Development

Boston College

Loyola University

  • Illinois Type 03 Kindergarten-9th Grade: 2132989
  • Illinois Type 10 Kindergarten-12th Grade: 2263381
  • Illinois Type 75 Administrative: 2379176

M.A - Educational Leadership, Administration and Supervision

Roosevelt University Graduate School of Education
Katherine Welsh