Self-motivated and accomplished Agricultural, Manufactured Homes & Homestead Clerk with over 20 years of experience.
Grant Writer - able to research grants, able to review and constructive feedback, able to target and need of the funding, able to develop a project budget, and able to write and submit the grant. Since completion of Grant Writing courses, I have contributed to writing a grant while performing my other duties at the County.
Able to multitask. Experienced and enjoys dealing with the public. Auglaize County Auditor's Office Agricultural Clerk, Manufactured Home Clerk, Homestead Clerk October 2002 - PRESENT, Wapakoneta, OH - Able to assess, calculate and estimate taxes with the effective rate. Transferring ownership from deeds - Run reports - Take care of the Current Agricultural Use Valuation (CAUV) program - Transfer ownership of mobile homes - Updating the Homestead program for Real Estate - Updating the Homestead program for Manufactured Homes - Issue and renew Licenses - Dealing with public on a daily basis