Home Visitors went into the children's homes for weekly visits with a parent who would remain with them for the lesson. The first 60 minutes were for the child to learn literacy/ communication, math, physical/ movement development, science exploring, art, social and emotional development, and social systems. The lesson was planned each week with at least 4 out of the seven. The last 30 minutes was parent time, when I would help the parent with referrals or making an appointment, filling out paperwork if English was not their first language. As a home visitor, I looked forward to the parent's input on what they wanted for a lesson the following week. The parent is the child's best and first teacher— Worked as a one-to-one Special Education Paraprofessional with four years of experience. Assisted three students while working one-on-one in the classroom setting. At the same time, I would promote individualized learning techniques.