Work History

Kitty Enright

Notre Dame,Indiana


Enthusiastic student and teacher with a devotion to learning and working in a way that illuminates the sacred gift of life. Hardworking and reliable, offering help where ever it is needed, and relishing in the way God given talents, such as writing, listening, and two strong legs, can help others appreciate the gift of their own lives


years of professional experience

Work History

Camp Counselor

Palos Heights Parks & Recreation Department
Palos Heights, IL
05.2023 - 08.2023
  • This was the most challenging job I had and it only needs two words to explain; "Teen Camp." This is where I found out that trouble is real in the lives of kid and where my part comes in as a "teaching" force.
  • I've taken I lot from my job at this particular summer camp, but my proudest accomplishment, in this job and perhaps my life is my friendship with one on my "teen campers" named Mike.
  • Mike and I got off on the wrong foot. I was the hard nut camp counselor that grew up with a healthy fear of my parents. He was the trouble maker with an indulgent grandmother. She brought him McDonald’s when he acted up. “You can do it Mike!” I cheered. “DON’T TELL ME WHAT I CAN DO!” Mike sneered. Mike and I had a lot or staring contests that summer. He told me we were enemies but I told him that’s not possible because that would mean that I hated him back. I told Mike he was my friend. I knew he’d change his mind any minute, and he did, on the last day of camp. We were walking by the public pool and mike apologized for his anger issues. I told him I got him and that we were friends now. Mike even said so himself. No joke, that day I pushed Mike’s bike off in a running farewell and waved like he was going off to war. He waved back.

Summer Camp Counselor

Mary Sears Children Academy
Orland Park , IL
05.2022 - 08.2022
  • My job here was mentor, friend, good-mood, and most importantly, fair usher and pitcher for the daily summer camp baseball games we played.
  • The kids at Mary Sears' Children's academy really kindled my passion for teaching, and made me realize that it's more than just directing and supervising. I wiped tears, changed diapers, broke up fights, taught how to draw your favorite song, taught swimming lessons, played "ice cream" every day at 3:00, and found my calling.
  • This is where I first heard "Miss Kitty, you're a really good teacher." It changed my life.


Barraoccos Restaurant
Chicago, IL
04.2021 - 05.2022
  • Here I learned all that goes into to a job, no matter how straightforward it may seem. I learned that people are always important, and something as simple as a smile of a how do you do goes a long away.
  • I learned that right way to clean up dished after a funeral luncheon. I leaned how to help the younger kids you work with get home as early as they can on a school night, even if that means working after you clocked out.
  • This job taught me that no matter what you do in this world, your job is worthwhile and means something to someone.

Fish Monger

DiCola's Seafood
Chicago, Illinois
04.2018 - 04.2021
  • As my first job, working at a fish deli a block a way from my house, this is where I first learned how to use what i;ve learned in school in the real world.
  • I used all of my grade school and high school to talk to the fish cutters in the back, asking them about their "familias" or asking "cortas este bistec, por favor?" (Would you cut this steak for me?"
  • I used the only sign language I knew, (hello), to serve a daily deaf customer. I learned that he ordered two pieces of white fish every day, and had his ticket ready for him when ever I saw him. I've never seen someone look so happy to be listened to.


High School Diploma -

Marist High School


  • Problem Solving, from relationships to school work to manual labor,
  • Creativity in writing, painting, guitar-playing and pinata making
  • Sharing, or passing on, of comprehension of life changing education
  • Compassion anda appreciation for life and it's people


  • Play Guitar
  • Hand-paint T-shirts
  • Manage a Radio show
  • Play Tennis
  • Write Creatively


  • CPR certified


Camp Counselor

Palos Heights Parks & Recreation Department
05.2023 - 08.2023

Summer Camp Counselor

Mary Sears Children Academy
05.2022 - 08.2022


Barraoccos Restaurant
04.2021 - 05.2022

Fish Monger

DiCola's Seafood
04.2018 - 04.2021

High School Diploma -

Marist High School
  • CPR certified
Kitty Enright