I am a dedicated educational professional with nineteen years of teaching experience in the classroom. I help my students to learn through implementing the North Carolina Standard Course of Study through a combination of creative hands-on lessons, in-depth classroom projects, and attention to different learning styles. I am experienced in working with diverse learners, including students with disabilities and English Language Learners. As an early childhood educator, I am passionate about integrating the arts and nature into the classroom. I provide genuine learning experiences that involve my students in doing the work of real scientists, historians, writers, illustrators, mathematicians, and inventors. I often spearhead collaboration across K-8 grade levels.
As Kindergarten Teacher, I typically work with children aged 5-7 I teach The North Carolina Standard Course of Study (NCSCOS) and appropriate content standards, With the exception of Art and Music, I have led instruction in all Kindergarten subjects: ELA, Social Studies, Math, Science, Media (library/computer), Character Ed, and PE Activities I perform include, but are not limited to:
NC Teacher Certified; Instructional Licensure Renewal Cycle, 07/01/2021 - 06/30/2026, Grades K-6, current
NC Teacher Certified; Instructional Licensure Renewal Cycle, 07/01/2021 - 06/30/2026, Grades K-6, current