Work History


Mineral Bluff,GA


I was saved by the grace of God when I was 8 years old at Maple Grove Baptist Church where my grandfather Rev. JC Swanson was the pastor. I heard the Gospel and accepted Jesus as my Savior. I was baptized the next week into membership and I have been walking in faith with Him everyday since. I believe the Bible is Gods infallible word. Jesus took on flesh and endured the cross for everyone. It did NOT end there praise God! Jesus rose from the grave that third day conquering death, hell and sin. Romans 10:9 says "If you declare with your mouth Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart God raised him from the dead you will be saved". Praise God for that good news! I love our children and young people but they are being attacked by the evil one everyday. I am burdened for the salvation of young people and discipline them to know what it means to be a follower of Jesus.


years of professional experience

Work History

Youth and Children Pastor

Mountain town Baptist Church
Ellijay, GA
03.2024 - 01.2025
  • Teacher of students ages 6-15 every Sunday morning during service.
  • Instructed and guided individuals converting to new faith.
  • Discipling a youth group grew from 10 students to 20 within six months, but it grew more importantly spiritually.
  • Ordained as Pastor in 2024.
  • Mission trip to Townsend, TN, in May of 2024. Fifteen students attended.
  • Developed a plan through prayer with parents to best reach our students with the word of God.
  • Optimized church committee functions clarifying goals and delegating tasks.
  • I preached the Gospel half a dozen times, organizing worship services by putting together an order of service.
  • Concealed with students and their parents.
  • Put together a team of volunteers for VBS, and organized the schedule and leaders for VBS.
  • I researched the curriculum for students, ordered the materials, and put them into effect.
  • Put together a youth ministry team of leaders for Sunday school, the worship team, and Sunday night leaders.
  • Held meetings with families to inform parents of the upcoming schedule.
  • We had youth Sundays when the children would sing, memorize scripture, and have faith based skits.
  • My wife and I would regularly attend student's games or practices outside of church.
  • Organized and put together Christmas program.
  • Filled in for pastor many times on Sunday night.
  • I organized an OCC packing party and took the youth to the packing center.
  • Took 15 students to winter jam 24
  • Reached out to unchurched, new residents or inactive church members.
  • Provided spiritual guidance and direction to church members.
  • Managed social media accounts for the purpose of promoting upcoming events or services.
  • Administered communion, baptisms and other religious rites.
  • Led Bible study classes and facilitated small group discussions.
  • Created discipleship programs for youth and adults.
  • Updated and maintained background checks on every volunteer working with students.

Children's Ministry Leader

First Free Will Baptist Church
Haysville, N.C
10.2023 - 02.2024
  • Teacher of Kingdom Kids every Sunday morning with my wife.
  • We had a lesson planned with them each Sunday.
  • Held events such as Christmas play, Valentines program and springing up for Jesus.
  • Collaborated closely with parents to ensure their children were receiving an appropriate spiritual education.
  • Developed and led evening programming.
  • Planned and directed children's church services to share stories with moral and biblical messages.

Youth Minister

FBC McCaysville/Copperhill
McCaysville, GA
04.2022 - 10.2023
  • I began volunteering with the youth in 2020 when my wife and I led VBS.
  • Teacher in Awana on Wednesday nights, starting in 2020.
  • Became Youth Minister in June 2022.
  • After a couple of months, God began to press upon my heart the calling to be a youth pastor.
  • I assembled a group of volunteers (youth committee) to help my wife and me with youth.
  • I was responsible for teaching God's word every Wednesday night, along with putting together a Sunday school lesson.
  • I prayed with students and youth members of the church, and counseled using God's Holy Word.
  • Created a robust youth ministry program and administered programs while providing spiritual leadership to help strengthen relationships with God.
  • Supported student ministries by teaching through Bible stories and linking themes to current events.
  • Red Letters program in 2022.
  • Winter Jam 23.
  • Developed creative ways to increase youth involvement in all ministry programs, services, and special events throughout the Church.
  • Demonstrated ministerial leadership through presence, counsel, and support to youth and families, and engaged all church visiting young people to contribute openly to various projects going on inside the church.

Youth and Children Minister

Williams Town Church
McCaysville, GA
01.2016 - 05.2018
  • I taught children at church every Sunday.
  • Teacher of Sunday School.
  • I had children's events at parties, trunk or treat, birthday parties, etc.
  • My wife and I had his kids every Sunday morning during service.
  • Encouraged members of the congregation to serve their communities through volunteer work.


Bachelor - Biblical Studies

Piedmont College of Theology
Durham, NC


Copper Basin High School
Copperhill, TN


  • Preaching
  • Teaching
  • Building relationships in Christ like fashion
  • Discipleship
  • Event planning
  • Community outreach
  • Encouragement
  • Volunteer coordination
  • Budget management
  • Pastoral counseling
  • Spiritual leadership
  • Children's ministry
  • Biblical studies


English, Native


Youth and Children Pastor

Mountain town Baptist Church
03.2024 - 01.2025

Children's Ministry Leader

First Free Will Baptist Church
10.2023 - 02.2024

Youth Minister

FBC McCaysville/Copperhill
04.2022 - 10.2023

Youth and Children Minister

Williams Town Church
01.2016 - 05.2018

Bachelor - Biblical Studies

Piedmont College of Theology


Copper Basin High School