Work History
Marc Williams

Marc Williams


Accomplished and results-driven Senior Finance Manager with 16+ years of experience in federal budget management, financial planning, and strategic oversight. Demonstrates exceptional proficiency in developing and executing multi-billion-dollar budgets, ensuring fiscal responsibility, and optimizing resource allocation to achieve organizational objectives. Adept at leading cross-functional teams, driving policy development, and implementing innovative financial strategies to enhance efficiency and effectiveness. Strong collaborator and communicator, with a proven track record of influencing decision-making processes at the highest levels of government. Recognized for strategic vision, analytical acumen, and commitment to public service excellence.


years of professional experience

Work History

Director for Implementation and Assessment

Office of the National Cyber Director
05.2024 - Current
  • Ensures that budgetary matters affecting cyber, cybersecurity, Operational Technology, Information Technology, supply-chain, and cyber workforce of the United States are given early consideration for decision at the highest levels of government in negotiations with representatives of foreign governments through bilateral or multilateral contacts, and/or legislation or other actions directed by Congress.
  • Organizes special interagency studies, analyses, and papers on budgetary matters, appropriations, performance evaluation, and other related matters of immediate concern to senior officials.
  • Advises senior leadership in the development, oversight, and assessment of U.S. Government department and agency budgets, programs, and spending.
  • Leads work with the OMB, House and Senate Appropriations Committees, U.S Government department and agency budget offices, and other stakeholders to identify strategic priorities for programmatic investment, additional spending, reprogramming, etc.
  • Directs project teams to assist in planning, directing, and coordinating the development of agency reviews, recommendations, and commentary on U.S Government department and agency cyber budgets.

Director of Finance

US Customs and Border Protection
01.2022 - 05.2024
  • The Finance Directorate develops and executes the USBP budget and oversees comprehensive financial management practices for resource allocations to secure America's southern, northern, and certain coastal borders
  • Successfully directed the creation of the FY23 Quarterly Spend Plan, substantiating a $142 million budget for Base/Southwest Border surge support
  • Oversaw the FY24 $5.7 billion budget justifications, supporting the hiring of 350 new Border Patrol Agents and 310 new Border Patrol Processing Coordinators
  • Enhanced situational awareness through funding for 100 new surveillance towers, operational technology and information technology needs along the Southwest Border
  • Developed Office of Management and Budget-approved spending plans to ensure efficient execution of FY23 funding, aligning with Congressional intent and omnibus bill directives
  • Managed a $19.4 million Team Awareness Kit funds transfer and redirected $23 million in FY 2023 resources to support Border Patrol Agent Hiring Initiatives
  • Supervised the FY 2025 OMB Justification, overseeing a $6.05 billion budget across Operations, Assets and Support, Training and Development, and Procurement, Construction, and Improvement
  • Achieved 99.99% execution of FY 2023 Southwest Border Management funding, totaling $1.56 billion for critical operational needs

Deputy Director Budget

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
03.2020 - 01.2022

In November 2018, Congress passed the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Act of 2018 reorganizing the former National Protection and Programs Directorate (NPPD) into CISA, which today serves as an operational component focused on leading the national effort to understand and manage cyber and physical risks to critical U.S Infrastructure.

  • The Budget Directorate is charged with development and submission of CISA's budget and execution of funding to defend and protect the Federal network and the Nation's critical infrastructure.
  • Instrumental in securing $650 million dollars in supplemental funding for CISA to respond to the SolarWinds Cyber attack.
  • Worked collaboratively with Strategy, Policy, and Plans Division in the publication of the CISA Integrated Planning Guidance for the Resource Allocation Plan process (goal is to determine viable program strategy options and/or priorities).
  • Supervised the development and presentations of the Congressional Justifications and briefings, ensuring the documents are accurate and on time, and that briefing materials address the appropriation committee requirements.
  • Responded in a timely manner to requests for information from OMB and Congressional Appropriations Committees on the materials submitted.
  • Successfully advocated for the restoration of funding during the OMB Passback appeals process, ensuring the maintenance of critical program budgets.

Deputy Executive Director, Budget

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
09.2019 - 03.2020
  • Oversaw the final draft of CBP's $18.1 billion budget submissions by CBP managers, pursuant to instructions issued by OMB and DHS, and the development and submittal of regular, supplemental, and deficiency appropriation estimates.
  • Co-led the effort to secure $1.1 billion in supplemental funding for CBP, providing essential resources to manage the unprecedented humanitarian crisis at the Southwest Border.
  • Collaborated with CBP policy and planning, investment, management, and procurement offices to develop resource estimates aligning with the agency's long-range performance plans and goals under the Future Years Homeland Security program.
  • Developed funding options and recommendations based on assessments of organizational performance, effective and efficient use of resources, program feasibility, and best value to the government.
  • Led the effort to reprogram/transfer $82 million in resources to the Border Patrol Retention program, which is key to ensuring highly qualified agents remain with the Border Patrol during one of the busiest times in CBP's history.
  • Reviewed estimates of user fee collections and oversaw the legislative authorities related to user fees.
  • Assisted, reviewed, and coordinated with House and Senate Appropriations Committees to provide accurate pay projections, leading to sufficient pay funding for CBP in the Consolidated Appropriations Act.
  • Coordinated with the CBP Office of Human Resources Management to produce an accurate representation of CBP hiring and staffing requirements through FY 2019 to the House and Senate Appropriations Committee staff, ensuring the preservation of funding to support additional hiring capacity in high-priority areas such as CBP Officer hiring.
  • Received high praise from Congressional staff for the quality and timeliness of the information.

Director, Program Analysis Division

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
01.2017 - 08.2019

The Program Analysis Division is responsible for the development, control, and oversight of CBP's $16 billion dollars of financial resources, the analysis and oversight of CBP operational expenditures within CBP.

  • Analyzed prior year funding balances to repurpose $20 million for architecture/engineering, planning and the construction of border wall prototypes.
  • Identifies and analyzes the variances between actual and projected performances and where variances exists, make recommendations for corrective actions.
  • Identified unobligated prior year funding that enabled CBP to enter a new lease agreement, which allows CBP's Office of Information and Technology to consolidate 12 leases from 11 separate locations into one facility the new headquarters will occupy 444,595 rentable square feet in Ashburn, Virginia.
  • Provide leadership, guidance and oversight to three GS15 direct reports.
  • Acting Deputy Executive Budget Director for almost twelve months.

Financial Analyst

Department of the Navy, FM&C, Financial Policy & Systems
02.2016 - 01.2017
  • As a valued member of the Transformational Projects Branch, responsibilities include improving the Department of the Navy's intergovernmental buy/sell business activities by empowering financial and acquisition management professionals with the appropriate policies, data standards, and information technology solutions to support a clean financial statement audit.
  • Day-to-day tasks include promote the use of enterprise wide standards for intergovernmental policy, process, and data; Introduce best of breed technology to automate and improve visibility end-to-end; define and develop the controls and documentation.

Deputy Assistant Director - Budget Analyst

Department of Homeland Security
04.2011 - 02.2016
  • Budget Analyst with the primary responsibly of overseeing Customs and Border Protections' (CBP) formulation, justification and execution of $11.6B in Discretionary funding.
  • Beyond managing the influx of people and cargo arriving in the United States, CBP also works with other DHS agencies to develop a capability to better identify foreign nationals who have violated immigration law, as well as to track suspect persons and cargo exiting the United States.
  • Other duties include, presenting and defending the use of appropriated funds, analyzed trends in expenditures, and compared actual against forecasts; thereby, helping the Department allocate their scarce resources in an optimum fashion.
  • Solicits others' input, viewpoints, or questions in order to provide clear and organized responses to address Senior Leadership's complex issues, while following up to ensure understanding.
  • Team Appropriations Liaison (TAL) - The TAL serves as a Desk Officer for a specific Component's budget, and is also responsible for ensuring that team's Component appropriations requirements are met. The focus of the TAL is to serve as the Department's primary points of contact for the House Appropriations Committee and Senate Appropriations Committee.
  • As a result of the current budget restraint environment, there are a multitude of drills, which in most cases have to be completed in a very short turnaround dealing with finding a balance between savings and increases.
  • During a recent Resource Allocation Plans, Decision, and appeals process, I provided timely accurate concise answers to numerous questions and concerns of Senior Leadership. An example of a particular complex area of concern dealt with Detention Beds funding, which accounts for more than $1.5 billion of available scarce DHS funds.
  • During FY13 budget submit, I exhibited the highest standard of professionalism by working many hours beyond the normal schedule to analyze and integrate financial data to complete the Office of Management and Budget submission via the Budget Formulation and Execution Manager (BFEM) system.
  • Led the coordination of the Department's Questions for the Record process for Appropriations Committee hearings.
  • Assisted in the analysis of appropriations measures, validating the analysis within the Budget Division, and distributed information to DHS Senior leaderships as well as to Departmental Components and Offices
  • Led the effort to update the Department's personnel cost management tool designed to calculate the full first and out year cost associated with requesting new positions in order to prevent eroding base resources.
  • Identified and tracked congressional reports and briefing requirements identified in appropriations legislation.
  • Drafted the FY 2016 Budget-in-Brief Overview and the Secretary's budget hearing written testimony.
  • Represented Budget Division on the Workforce Baseline Winter Study Goal: Understand the true manpower requirements of accomplishing our missions in future years.

Budget Analyst

Headquarters Marine Corps
02.2009 - 04.2011
  • Budgetary responsibilities involve annual appropriation in excess of $9 billion dollars for the Baseline budget and upwards of $670 thousand dollars for the Overseas Contingency Operations budget.
  • Analyze and interpret information reflected in budget justifications and budget materials to ensure accuracy and consistency with the President's Management Agenda, Department of Defense, Secretary of the Navy (SECNAV) and Commandant of the Marine Corps goals.
  • Utilize Financial Management Regulations, Federal Appropriations Law, Marine Corps Orders/Bulletins, NAVCOMPT Manuals and other guidance to provide narrative justification that thoroughly and succinctly identifies the basis for the requested scarce budgetary resources.
  • Review and assist Manpower and Reserve Affairs program sponsors in identifying, developing and defending changes in program and assist Program Objectives Memorandum, Program Review, NavCompt, and Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) level submissions in accordance with Defense Planning Guidance.
  • Participant in Manpower PEB by reviewing program sponsor narrative justifications to assure the basis for the requested initiative is cost effective and ensures maximum return on investment.
  • Monthly, in accordance with the Anti-Deficiency Act, review and monitor budget execution for the MPMC appropriation (both Baseline and Overseas Contingency Operations) identifying execution trends and analyzing financial performance through historical analysis, comparative analysis, averaging, program trade-offs and alternative methods of funding.
  • Report any deficiencies and/or assets to supervisory personnel, recommending necessary action to ensure prompt resolution of problems, and determine cost effectiveness and identify the need for reprogramming between budget accounts and organizations when needed.
  • Developed and designed charts, graphs, and briefs presentations for internal management and external headquarters, SECNAV, OSD and Senate Appropriations Committee and the House Armed Services Committee.

Management and Program Analyst

Government Accountability Office
08.2008 - 02.2009
  • Provided expert advice to GAO management on travel and transit benefit policies, procedures and programs, while ensuring excellent customer service to both internal and external customers.
  • Recommended changes to travel policies and procedures to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of services provided.
  • As well as ensuring adherence to the Federal Travel Regulations (FTR), internal control requirements, and other applicable laws and regulations
  • Guided staff in the preparation and administration of procurements of goods and services to support travel and transit programs including providing oversight of contracting officer technical representatives (COTR) and related contractor personnel
  • Analyzed and interpreted directives involving travel and/or transit benefit operation containing complex regulations issued by a variety of agencies, bureaus and offices, to include interpreting travel policies for unique and/or unusual travel procedural cases.

Master Gunnery Sergeant

US Marine Corps
07.1981 - 08.2008
  • Action Officer, Travel Policy and Procedures: Served as the primary focal point on travel policy and procedures for The Programs and Resources Department (P&R), Headquarters, U.S. Marine Corps P&R is the principal staff agency responsible for developing and defending the Marine Corps' financial requirements, polices, and programs.
  • The position serves as an expert on financial management, specifically to develop, implement and modify financial management polices and regulations.
  • Authored or co-authored with other agencies numerous Marine Corps correspondence, which either established or interpreted existing guidance ensuring legal and regulatory compliance. Recent examples include Travel Advisory Notice 13/06 Commercial Air Travel for Transportation for Overseas Travel.
  • Compiled, organized and researched applicable laws, directives, regulations, and prior studies for incorporating changes to Marine Corps Orders 7220.39D Standard/Flat Rate Per Diem and P4650.37 Marine Corps Travel Instructions Manual.
  • Key Marine Corps Representative for Defense Travel System (DTS) Improvement Initiatives. Collaborated with the Defense Transportation Management Office and Northrop Grumman on joint service DTS enhancement projects. Led the Permanent Duty Travel (PDT) initiative, integrating PDT travel policies, regulations, and procedures into DTS. Oversaw the incorporation of Temporary Duty (TDY) travel policies into DTS, enabling the system to process a broader range of TDY claims, including emergency leave and deployed per diem.
  • Successfully established and managed a Limited Depository Account at the National Bank of Kuwait, overseeing records, daily transactions, currency requests, and bank transfers. Provided accurate oversight of $12 million in cash for Contingency Contracting and Civil Affairs in Fallujah, Iraq.
  • Delivered timely pay support for over 220 vendor payments totaling $2.4 million within ninety days in Kuwait. Coordinated and disbursed $2 million for the Iraqi Development Fund, offering crucial financial guidance to Commanders, Business Leaders, and Iraqi Community Officials.
  • Analyst, Marine Corps Administrative Analysis Team - West: Led administrative and financial audits for over 450 units to verify the adequacy of existing processes and procedures to preclude fraud, waste, and abuse.
  • Developed and coordinated over 175 on-site training visits for USMC organizations and provided General Accountability Office (GAO) with over 350 in-depth field analysis reports.
  • Identified and developed training programs utilized by over 800 financial personnel and 10 internal control sections.


Bachelor of Science - Business Administration

Trident University International
Cypress, CA


  • Relationship building
  • Decision-making
  • Leadership and Team Management
  • Strategic planning
  • Federal Budget Management
  • Resource Allocation


Certified Defense Financial Manager


Director for Implementation and Assessment

Office of the National Cyber Director
05.2024 - Current

Director of Finance

US Customs and Border Protection
01.2022 - 05.2024

Deputy Director Budget

Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
03.2020 - 01.2022

Deputy Executive Director, Budget

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
09.2019 - 03.2020

Director, Program Analysis Division

U.S. Customs and Border Protection
01.2017 - 08.2019

Financial Analyst

Department of the Navy, FM&C, Financial Policy & Systems
02.2016 - 01.2017

Deputy Assistant Director - Budget Analyst

Department of Homeland Security
04.2011 - 02.2016

Budget Analyst

Headquarters Marine Corps
02.2009 - 04.2011

Management and Program Analyst

Government Accountability Office
08.2008 - 02.2009

Master Gunnery Sergeant

US Marine Corps
07.1981 - 08.2008

Certified Defense Financial Manager

Bachelor of Science - Business Administration

Trident University International
Marc Williams